ED2 notification

<p>Does anyone have any idea how we are notified about ED2 decisions. Is it done online or through the mail. Decisions supposed to be mailede by Feb 1 but hope they are on the web at the same time...

<p>i’m wondering too.
last year a friend who applied ed2 found out a week (so 2 days ago) ahead of time from pioneerweb…therefore i’m very nervous. they’ll prob post it on pioneerweb b4 anything else i’m guessing.
but don’t worry, there are prob a lot more apps this year so it’ll take them more time.
good luck!</p>

<p>dd said that on some part of the application she had checked that she would “go paperless”, that all future contact would be by email. So she’s not sure if that includes admissions information.</p>

<p>But, frankly, glad to know that she’s not the only one who hasn’t heard anything since hearing something “early” didn’t seem out of the question, with admissions says they’d MAIL their decisions BY Feb. 1, not neccessarily ON Feb. 1.</p>

<p>It’s posted online on our pioneerweb accounts now!!!
I got in!

<p>D in ED2! Go children of the corn!!</p>

<p>dd’s pioneerweb says that it won’t be posted until after Feb. 1. I wonder if that means that she didn’t get accepted then. :(</p>

<p>Congratulations mcawsome and last_kidsmom’s D!! Hope it works out ok for GoldenMesa’s D too. It’s a wonderful school!</p>

my account said congratulations and everything earlier today, but then when i checked again later it went back to not having my admissions decision posted. i momentarily freaked out and called the admissions office to make sure i got in haha. my point is, the pioneerweb accounts are being glitchy, so don’t worry. no notification may have no meaning.</p>

<p>Thanks for posting about the glitch, Mcawesome.</p>

<p>And congrats!</p>

<p>D pioneer web said congratulations also she logged in and out around 8 times to check because the admission status said to check back on Feb. 1. Then the congratulations message disappeared and the housing form was up. We were concerned but figured that she would not have been able to fill out the housing info if she wasn’t accepted. mcawesome glad that you called to confirm that you still got in. we were tempted to do the same.
We already ordered T-shirts and sweats.</p>

<p>Congrats to last_kidsmom’s d! Indeed, a housing form seems a pretty sure sign on top of the early affirmation. :slight_smile: </p>

<p>Earlier this week we’d hoped that the financial aid award letter section (which had said “won’t open until Jan. 30”) would be an early peek but it didn’t open on the 30th and now when openned it says “no report was produced”, leaving one to wonder if it won’t open until the other part does OR if there no award because she wasn’t accepted. Too much overthinking this on my part, I’m sure.</p>

<p>Well tomorrow is Feb. 1 so you should know something by then. I hope that the results are what you want. </p>

<p>Good luck -
It is a hard time for everyone.</p>

<p>To GodenMesa-
Decision letters are up - they were up last night after 12:00 - hope yours says congratulations.</p>