ED2 Options Villanova or Richmond

Looking for any updated 2023 ED stats for Villanova or Richmond.

My daughter has applied EA to both but looking to switch to ED2 as she was just rejected by ED1 reach school.

Looks like Villanova may have higher overall ED admit rate historically.

Not a given she gets into either one but trying to make best or most strategic choice to boost chances for this round.

Many Thanks

Which does she prefer ? If you ED to one and get in, you can’t consider the other. Too many feel forced to ED.

If you really want to, she should pick her favorite. It’s too important a decision to game IMHO.

You provided no info - stats, major etc but I stand by my comment regardless.

Good luck.


Does your school have a significant track record with one or both? If so, your guidance counselor’s school-specific insight might be more useful than looking at overall averages.

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ED is definitely a big advantage at Villanova. But it also sounds like she needs time to recover from her ED I disappointment and decide where she can find the best educational opportunity.


Has anyone who applied EA to Villanova heard yet?

I know that Richmond is coming tonight.

Hello just curious if you decided to ED2 to either of them and what drove your choice. DD got into Richmond EA, but deferred at Villanova.

My daughter actually ED2d to UChicago, another super reach. Still waiting to hear.

To our surprise she was actually accepted EA to both Villanova & Richmond last Friday. Shocked to say the least!

From rural NY, public high school. Applied test optional, solid gpa. Lot of unique ECs.

She really tailored her application package to showcase spike or focus on all her environmental projects & volunteer work which must have caught attention and helped in lieu of high test scores.

Thanks for checking in, still waiting on for financial aid offers & some other RD decisions but very happy with outcomes so far!

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