<p>Hey guys, my sister is an International Student and a rising freshman. She wants to attend a University in the US, so she will choose a high school that could help her on the way there. She has narrowed her choices down to two high school, one that awards an IB and one that offers the Edexcel diploma. Edexcel is not as well-known as IB so that scares her. What should she do, which diploma is better for the way to US?</p>
<p>btw We get AP classes with Edexcel</p>
<p>There are very few US schools that don’t give credit for or recognize IB so no problem there unless a specific school of interest has a different policy. Most schools however, only give credit for HL IB classes which you are limited to 4 of I believe. What I’m saying is more schools will recognize the term “International Baccalaureate” and its rigor as opposed to Edexcel but Edexcel, having AP classes, may offer more opportunity for college credit. Also, if she does choose Edexcel I don’t think she should be scared because if it is a program of AP’s then colleges will at least see that part and US colleges definitely like AP.
P.s. I may be a little biased as an IB student