EDII Results Thread!

<p>Good Luck!!!</p>

<p>p.s. sorry floee!</p>



I feel disregarded!
I’mma go post in the other thread 'cause we’re still waiting.</p>

<p>Accepted. =]</p>

<p>me too!!!</p>

<p>but in january =(</p>

<p>but now i get to study in london for a semester!!!</p>

<p>this is the BEST possible outcome!!!</p>

<p>I think that sounds really ideal RTHowe! And congrats to those who were accepted. I am sure there is a huge sense of relief (and a tad of panic too :-)</p>

<p>Congratulations!! I am very happy for you Floee and RTHowe. My daughter also got an acceptance, and so we’re all feeling great.</p>

<p>Congrats everyone</p>

<p>RTHowe, I see you on the FB page. =]
What is this London shenanigans?</p>

<p>floee, add me as a friend!</p>

<p>and no panic Modadunn!!! just excited!!!</p>

<p>they accepted 30 or so of us to start in January and we are able to spend our first semester in london through some NYU program (which is flipping awesome if you ask me!)</p>

<p>Oooh. Like, everyone is like, “London Program!”
And I’m like, “Hurhhh?”
So what do you do until January…?</p>

<p>PS, added you.</p>

<p>yo ur lucky about the london thing. i hear it’s sick. i got accepted ED II as well, but i’m just going to do the normal thing</p>

<p>hey dardar, add me as a friend on facebook if you havent already lol</p>

<p>Alright I will</p>

<p>Alright I will</p>