Education major

Plenty of kids attend Harvard and are paying less than their state school. This wins the prize for short-sighted thinking although there are plenty of urban legends out there about what losers the kids at Harvard are… so I’m discounting this one a bit.

My daughter is a high school math teacher. She got a lot of interviews because she was a math major in college vs. a lot of the other applicants who may have been Econ, or something else. We live in California (like I assume @californiaaa does) and I can not even imagine a candidate from Harvard not getting an interview “because they went to Harvard”. I would imagine there were other reasons.

Our son is a middle school music teacher in a great nj public school.
He started at TCNJ in 2004. All the students who wanted to teach middle school and older were required to earn an undergrad subject degree AND fulfill requirements to sit for praxis exam and meet state licensure.
I believe that there was still an “elementary education” mAjor to teach younger children but not sure if it still exists.