EE Undergrad To Aerospace Engineering Grad

<p>Hello all,
I have a couple of questions about the Aerospace Engineering Masters program at VT. I'm currently a Junior/Senior (Technially a senior but I still have 3 semesters before I graduate) at Tennesse Tech University. I was wondering, how fesible is it to go from Electrical to Aerospace Engineering for Grad school? I would assume I'd need to take some classes like Thermodynamics, Heat transfer, fluid mechanics, and etc. before applying. Also, what are the odds I'd even get accepted into VT? I have a 3.55 Cumlative GPA and 3.63 Major GPA (I plan on bringing both of these up, so far I have a 4.0 in all Junior/Senior Major classes). I know VT is a competive school, so that causes some concern. If accepted, I'd probably have my focus in Aerospace Control Systems. I think that would suit my EE back ground well, plus I have strong interest in Controls. Thanks for the taking the time to read this, any feedback is greatly appeciated! </p>

<p>"1. The applicant should have a Bachelor’s degree, usually in Engineering, Mathematics, or Physics, from an accredited institution. " </p>

<p>Source: <a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I’d honestly email the AOE department and ask about recommended courses. The department email is: <a href=“”></a> </p>

<p>AOE department website is <a href=“”>;/a&gt;. </p>

<p>Thanks! I really appreciate it. I’ll for sure do that.</p>