EFC for a family with two children entering college at the same time

<p>My family has filed the FAFSA application, and my EFC came to be about 23,000. Apparently, my brother's EFC also came out to be 23,000, which means a total family contribution of 46,000/year (though I have never seen this number written anywhere). However, recently I heard that the EFC number is the amount your family is expected to contribute to college for a given year, not "per child." I heard that having two children in college at the same time is a financial benefit if you are eligible for aid, because EFC may be spread over both children. </p>

<p>The total EFC for both students should be about $23,000, not each. Is this true? Can I make this work? This would help immensely.</p>

<p>I’m pretty sure it’s 46k in total. If you had 1 kid in college than your efc would be 46k but with 2 it is 23k per each kid so 46k</p>

<p>If you put 2 in college on the FAFSAs then the FAFSA formula has already divided the parent generated part of the EFC between the 2 students. The EFC would otherwise have been 46,000.</p>