Effect of major on acceptance

<p>Sort of a random question, but does having a major not having to do with the sciences slightly alter the way counselors look at you? For example, is there any difference in a counselors eye between a potential political science major and a chemistry major? Thanks a bunch for any help.</p>

<p>My college counselor told me that applicants are judged against the other applicants for their submitted major. So basically if you go undecided, you are judged against everyone else undecided.</p>

<p>At Wash U it certainly has no bearing. At other schools it might.</p>

<p>I think there may be an effect based on which school you apply to, e.g. Arts + Sciences, Engineering, Architecture, Business. But I doubt that your major within Arts + Sciences would matter.</p>

<p>Any effect of applying to individual schools is extremely minor. For example, someone applying to the art school can have their art portfolio looked at and weighed in their favor whereas it wouldn’t really matter for an artsci or eng student. Among Artsci, Olin, Eng the chances are as close to the same as possible.</p>

<p>You can switch majors/schools at any time and very easily, so I doubt there’s much of a difference at all.</p>

<p>^Agree with post above.
If you think selecting a major would go along with your application pretty well, go for it. Otherwise, it won’t matter. Just don’t make it something totally random.</p>