Effect of taking a course Pass/Fail on B-School Admissions

<p>I'm a senior right now, planning out my courses for my final semester, and am considering taking my philosophy class pass/fail, so I can concentrate on my other courses. I'll be taking two MBA courses and am doing work as a TA/Independent Study for a professor, all of which are more relevant than the philosophy class and therefore I would like to dedicate more time to them.</p>

<p>My question, as the topic indicates though, is what effect, if any, does taking a class pass/fail have on MBA admissions? Specifically, I aspire to go to a top-10 B school and currently have the GPA (~3.92) and wouldn't want something dumb like this to derail my chances. I realize there are more components than undergrad GPA that come into play, namely GMATS, work experience, leadership experience, etc etc, but I figured I'd ask.</p>

<p>Any input would be appreciated.</p>

<p>It won’t make the slightest difference!</p>