Eh, why not? Anyone want to give thoughts on a unique essay?

<p>So my essay topic is pretty unique [I've never heard anybody do it or anything close to it before.]. Its sent out to all my schools, but I still wanna know what people think. Care to give it a read?</p>

<p>how long is it?
I want people to read mine too lol.
We can swap?</p>

<p>that works! mine’s the commonapp one that went out to all of my schools. its like 500 words or so.</p>

<p>sure, i can read and give some comments. email me =D</p>

<p>500is not too long~~I think, mine is about 500 but all the friends I know have 800hundre…well, PM me if you would like me to have a look at it!</p>

<p>k ill pm it to you guys. any other takers?</p>

<p>PM me. I love to read it.</p>

<p>PM Me. Ill be glad to read it</p>

<p>thanks so much! if i sent it to you, could i pleaaaaaase get some feedback? like…a lot haha.</p>

plus if i sent it to you could you give me your comments? i’m really not a very patient person haha. and now i’m mega worried that it like…sucks.</p>

<p>I will happily read it too! Just PM me if you’re still interested/need more ppl. =]</p>

<p>all essays are unique if it is original work
it is depend on what topic you write and how you write an essay make it special</p>

<p>I’ll read it! PM me</p>