EHLA Program

Is it worth getting admitted to the EHLA program in Engineering in UW-Madison? What are its advantages??

I looked at the opening statements for that UW Engineering honors website. The advantage would be recognition for taking many Honors courses you did not need to take for your engineering degree. Only you can decide if it is worth it to you to many the more challenging math, science and liberal arts courses and any additional credits in those required. Some students are globally smart and can easily choose any field to succeed in, this give structure to and recognition for choosing honors courses outside of the chosen engineering major. You do it for yourself- to get more interesting, more depth and/or challenging classes.

Remember- you go to college not only for job skills but to get an education. Not every course selection is to get a better job. Some are for enjoyment and rounding out your education. Honors versions are good for those who want to be with the top students in a course.

Until recently Engineering did not offer any Honors options as the regular coursework is considered difficult enough. This new program offers a way for engineering majors to take part in the same courses their L&S counterparts can.

Those who get the honors degree show they have done above and beyond the regular course of study. Will it matter in the real world- probably not to others. You do it for yourself.

Like every other UW program for honors you likely can drop out of it anytime you wish to, or just not complete the requirements for that designation.