ELC Problem - My dumb, incompetent school forgot to send in the paperwork

<p>I looked online to check the status of ELC and see that my school had not submitted the paperwork when tons of other LAUSD schools already have. So I call the UC offices and they say that my school received an extension, but that the extension ends tomorrow. When asked for the reason of extension the kind lady told me that the lady from my school “forgot to send it” and guess what? She forgot to send it again. Extension ends tomorrow, and I have no way of contacting anyone at my school because all the administrators are working other schools for summer school.</p>

<p>I am so God damn ****ed off, seeing as how I would have definitely qualified. I think this is the most selfish and irritating thing that the school could have done. Rather than doing a bit of work over the summer, the stupid people in the office chose to jeopardize my, and my classmates, futures by slacking off on this.</p>

<p>It is completely not fair, because now I won’t qualify for ELC when I worked so hard for it.
UC Davis, what can be done? This is extremey disheartening…</p>

<p>Your high school’s 2009-2010 school year has begun? (And the rest of LAUSD,too?) I’m surprised that they’re talking about “extensions,” because for the schools I know, the administration submits the top 12.5% early in the school year, then UC sifts for the true UC 4% (with ties), then contacts those so eligible in plenty of time for the end-of-November apps. True, the percentages would be based on end-of-previous year, since first quarter grades would not be operative yet, but still it seems premature for UC to be talking about extensions and cutoffs in mid-summer.</p>

<p>^^Really, I have like 20 friends that found out they were ELC back in late May or so and I don’t start school until Sept 1.</p>

<p>But really, ELC status is moot most of the time. You probably have stats to get in to at least mid-tier UCs if you’re top 4%, which is what ELC would do anyway.</p>