electric engineering

<p>i know i have to major in electric engineering durin college... do i have to go to graduate school too???</p>

<p>for example: doctors go to med school, lawyers got o law school</p>

<p>do engineers have to go to graduate school too or just undergraduate college</p>

<p>you can definetly get a job with just undergraduate</p>

<p>you are probably looking at 50k+ out the door with a bachelors. around 70 with a master and maybe 90+ with Ph.D</p>

<p>mhm thnx for the response
but would most motivated students go for the graduate degree?</p>

<p>yes most serious students choose to pursue a masters and Ph.D degree. this is sometimes offered by companies who will pay you a salary and also pay you to go to college for a masters and Ph.D.</p>

<p>However, many also opt to choose to get a graduate degree right after undergrad if finances arent an issue.</p>

<p>As my advsior told me (chemical engineering, not EE, but I believe all engineering professors think this way): 'yes, there are engineers who don't go grad school ... but they're in a cold dark place."</p>

<p>Not exactly true, he really wants me to go to grad school (I'm reluctant), but I would say it is encouraged not necessary.</p>