Electrical Engineer ,area:Power---What should I choose!?!?

<p>I am currently a undergraduate student and planning to get master degree (Electrical Engineer Major,area:power). I have applied to about 10 schools and have received some acceptances so far. I have been accepted to WPI, IIT, SUNY Buffalo
Does anyone know which one would be better to go for Electrical Engineering??
A list would be nice but you can also comment with any information you may know about them.</p>

<p>I know IIT has historically had offerings in this area, not as familiar with the others. As one relevant data point, you might find on-line the registrar’s list of courses offered this semester and count the # of highly relevant courses being offered in your chosen sub-specialty area.</p>

<p>Another observation I would make is that hiring at this tier of schools might be highly regionally oriented; meaning for example that some Chicago-area firms that will recruit at IIT will not recruit at SUNY Buffalo. So you might consider which region you would rather end up in after you graduate.</p>

<p>You might investigate what major employers of your sub-specialty area are located in the regions of each school. For example, in chicago area there used to be several large consulting engineering firms and a number of power companies. Not sure now. But those nearby companies might be the ones recruiting most heavily for your sub-specialty at those particular schools.</p>

<p>At each school maybe you can ask to see what companies recruited there last year, for example.</p>

<p>Don’t know about now, but back in the day you might have wanted to give serious consideration to programs in this area at RPI , U Missouri-Rolla (now named Missouri S&T, apparently), USC. Suggest you check the programs at these schools out, if you can still apply.</p>
