<p>Which job has the brightest future, and which one is the most stable?</p>
<p>the world will always need all three.</p>
<p>You won’t have a problem finding a job as any of those. What matter is what interests you more.</p>
<p>They’re all needed. Like JoeJoe said, you should choose based on what you like the most.</p>
<p>What do you mean by brightest future? If your talking about money than Pharmacist is brighter. Engineers do not make that much money…</p>
<p>While I won’t argue that a pharmacist can make more money I will argue with this statement you made. Engineering is a very lucrative career. I don’t see why starting off making 50-60k is not considered “that much money” to some people?</p>
<p>I think that in pharmacy you would also reach the “ceiling” with regards to salary much quicker than an engineer. Remember, you start out on around 60K after college. 20 years down the line, you could be earning 3 or 4 times that much, realistically. And thats much, much more than the average pharmacist makes.</p>
<p>ya pbgator… how much money do you expect to be making? not to steal this thread though, engineering fields and a pharmacist both have good job stability. i know for sure that engineers will always be a growing field, and i feel like it would be much funner then stuffing bottles with meds everyday, not to mention the amount of schooling you need before you can even get your first job. most engineers do eventually get a masters and on, but the fact that you can go out with you bachelors making 50k is nice</p>
<p>if you are good at what you do, you will always have a job in any of those fields. they are all difficult fields, so you’d better like whatever subject you do.</p>
<p>I am not aware of too many engineers making 180-240k. That is, unless we’re talking about management, in which case they aren’t really engineers anymore.</p>