<p>Which do you think would be easier, and easier to get a higher GPA? I'm not asking this to choose a major, simply because my friend thinks that Chemical Engineering is easier.</p>
<p>Whatever you find more interesting will be easier. This goes for any major really. Most people see EE and ChE as the most difficult, so there will obviously be some competition to justify one’s lower GPA, but really it doesn’t matter. As far as I’m aware, most programs require the same amount of rigorous courses, so it’s not like one has disproportionately more content / content that’s more difficult.</p>
<p>Mid 80s at Rensselaer, ChemE was the hardest major at the school. EE was 2nd. The answer will vary based on students, curriculum, and teachers. At the time, EE had more high level math, ChemE had more labs and more science classes, plus required 4 more credits.</p>
<p>I’m an EE but had ChemE friends. They really suffered.</p>