<p>Hey everyone, I could use some advice.</p>
<p>I am trying to make a choice between Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Computer Science. I am doing Computer Science now, but I am at a point where the classes I am taking apply to both still, but that changes starting next term.</p>
<p>I feel like Electrical Engineers have a broader perspective that Computer Scientists do. It seems to me like it is a more mobile position, where EE's move freely with hardware and software and CS's are strictly working with software.</p>
<p>I am looking for the useful skills that can translate well into many applications. I want the ability to control a lot of the process. For that reason EE is very interesting to me, but I am worried that each leaves out too much of the other. EE is more coursework (and I am already going to be in my 7th year when I get a bachelor's degree)</p>
<p>I would also like to earn a Master's degree, but doing CS Bach and an EE Masters may be difficult.</p>
<p>Some back story on me I started college January 2008, earned an Associate of Science in Business from Portland Community College in June 2010. I was at the University of Oregon and changed my major to Computer Science, moving to OSU in April 2011. I have now been doing a lot of work in external projects on campus, and also have an internship lines up with SpaceX for this summer.</p>
<p>So I am on a pretty good roll, but I am wondering what is the best path. I realize that this is a personal choice, but I'd love some conversation about it.</p>