Elon University Early Decision for Fall 2022 Admission

Are all students who did ED or EA eligible to apply for Fellows or do you need to be invited?

Anyone can apply. From the applicants, they will pick a number to interview and then will offer spots after the interviews. In normal times they have a “fellows weekend” for all the kids chosen to interview. Last year, because of covid, all the interviews were remote.

My daughter plans to apply for business fellows and honors and then gets an invite to do leadership one. The question is anyone know someone who got a fellowship that DID NOT get the email invite? She didn’t get an invite from the two she planned to do! Also hasn’t gotten a big envelope and has excellent stats and didn’t get merit

Wondering the same thing! My daughter didn’t get merit offer with excellent stats and got an invitation to apply to a Fellows program she hadn’t intended to apply to - and no invitation to the ones she was planning to apply to!?! Hope someone can help with info. Sadly, without the Presidential Scholarship plus a Fellows offer there likely won’t be enough merit money to put Elon in the same ballpark with some other offers she’s had 
 and she really likes Elon.

This happened to my daughter this past admissions cycle. The invites were to apply to Fellows programs that weren’t in her chosen major or interest area. Not sure what it was all about, but it felt like they were just blanketing many of the accepted students with Fellows invites. Elon was far enough down on her interest list that we never pursued it further. FWIW, Elon is not known for exceptional merit offers (unless your student gets the Presidential & Fellows).

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Nothing in the mail here, either, just an online acceptance. Surprised me because Elon sends a lot of mail- moreso than other schools. Why not a big envelope? I’m surprised Elon (and parents) consider $59k “cheaper” than other private colleges- it’s laughable. Elon is the ONLY school DD applied to that didn’t offer merit aid. Other schools offers brought costs down to an average of $30-38k tuition & room & board- even colleges that cost considerably more than Elon- and all have additional scholarships to apply for once admitted. Her acceptance to Elon was very unceremonious, lacked any merit offer, invited her to apply for some minimal scholarship aid (up to $12k), and as a result she just started focusing on her other schools- many of which are on their list of “peer” schools- which I think is a stretch and giving themselves too much credit. Elon acceptance rate is 78%. It’s average at best- and, frankly, too expensive compared to peer schools and their merit offerings for academically strong students. DD had better offers and has moved on. Elon is nice but not as elite or affordable as it thinks it is.

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They said an envelope is coming. They decided to ship it after Christmas due to potential delays or something. No need to torch someone’s school like that because you’re angry they did not give you the decision you wanted for your D and because you have not received a big envelope


A little research would tell you that Elon’s merit offers are not large. If looking for big merit, I wouldn’t put Elon on your list.

My D got the large envelope last year - I’m sure it’s coming. They don’t send cheerleaders along with it though.

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Any student can apply for the Fellows and Scholars programs which offer scholarships and perks like paid study abroad programs. Elon costs about $20k less than other private colleges so it seems less expensive to me even at full pay, but if it’s not a fit for you, budgetary or otherwise, no problem. There is certainly no shortage of colleges out there.

I will say I am very impressed with their communication and the welcoming video they sent to parents of accepted students. I watched their Instagram video about “ next steps” in the process, where Admissions people said they chose to mail the envelopes after the holidays.


So how do you really feel?

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It was clear from the get go that elon doesn’t offer a lot of merit. Maybe it shouldn’t have been on your list.

Well, I guess you are moving on to another school. Adios and good luck to your daughter.


Received the big envelope today - include the acceptance letter and a booklet.


I didn’t see any but perhaps I didn’t look close enough if the we part of the booklets pages. Received stickers with the UofSC and Catholic packets.

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I have sophomore daughter in BF (in Dubai with the group right now!) The encouragement to apply does NOT go out to everyone; that said, it is no way guarantees acceptance. If I remember from 2 years ago (JUST before COVID), 500 applicants, 80-100 interviewed and 30 accepted. (Actually, a few extra selected because not all accept the invitation.) Happy to answer questions.

Has your daughter found the rigor of the school to be challenging?

The BF curriculum is pretty challenging, but not crazy (they’re smart kids). The BF cohort takes lots of classes together - they tend to be more difficult, I think. The kids tend to help each other a lot. Focus of the BF program is to get a job after. So they are on the kids to get internships, be involved in leadership roles on campus, etc. Here’s an example of the BF program
 All freshman at Elon take Elon 101 – a welcome to college class, basically. My da said that on the first day of class, her roommate (not a BF) was asked to draw a picture of something; BFs started working on their LinkedIn profiles. LOL.


Any chance other students / parents could comment on other Fellows programs? My EA daughter was invited to apply to honors, but had planned prior to that to apply to leadership and (I believe) “college” (hope I got that right!). These programs certainly make Elon stand out as a school of interest!

Mine was planning on applying to 2 and then got an invite for a different one and messaged her counselor. He said don’t put too much stock in the invites, but rather the stock in the ones that are most interesting to you! Hope this helps


Couple of thoughts to add to the others. Elon is a university that provide less merit aid compared with need-based aid. This is true for many (if not most) of the better, private schools. Their Fellows programs are offered not as much to provide merit aid as to provide specialized opportunities. (Those opportunities, by the way, probably add up to an additional $3000-5000). As you probably know, the increase in tuition for next year is incredibly steep, as they have boasted a fairly steady increase of around 3% per year and this year it is 9%. That changes the comparison to other schools substantially. When we were looking, we put a high value on the school’s success rates regarding job placement and their focus on real-world education (not everyone’s focus). To me, that was more important than the acceptance rate or the image of it as an “elite” school or not. Extremely happy that my kid is there.