<p>When we apply for colleges in India, it’s simply a matter of taking an exam and getting past the cut-off. It’s not even close to the comprehensiveness of US admissions. I have no problems with working hard for my ambition to study in the US to pay off, though, I do have naive doubts often. :)</p>
<p>SO, How would the size of the school affect me as an undergrad?</p>
<p>It’s important, as others have said, to read the college website and its promotional materials first. Then, if you have specific questions based on what you’ve read, you can email admissions. </p>
<p>If you email a professor or department chair, do not ask vaguely for “information.” You’ll just be referred back to the website. Ask a specific question, i.e. can I take this class before that class, or how does your college handle placement into this class (if that info is not already on the website).</p>
<p>Many prospectives fire off random generic emails requesting “information” to demonstrate interest, but this backfires because it makes the student look lazy. Nine tenths of the stuff most prospective students ask about can be found on the college website and online course catalog.</p>