Email demonstrating interest - good idea?

This is my absolute top choice school and I was wondering whether it would be a good idea to demonstrate my interest in the school via an email. Could this potentially even hurt me in any way? How should the email be typed out? Should I straight up be like “hi, I am very interested in your school and it is my top choice”

That seems quite generic though so how should I add some personal touch to it to actually be noticed?

Have you visited campus to go on a tour and attend an information session? That is a better way than sending an email if you can, and helps you see if it is the right school for you. Make sure you sign in at the admissions office so they knew you were there. Sign up on their website for emails and mailings, too. Only email if you really have a question that you can’t get answered from the website – they are a little busy for “I am interested” emails, I think.

If you want more info on who they admit and what is most important, look at this:

I have actually signed up for a tour and information session for the 2nd of February. Thank you for your input!

@HopefulBadgerPlz‌ if I was you I would type out a letter of continued interest, print it out and then physically mail it to Wisconsin’s admissions office.
I was deferred at Tulane and I wrote a letter of continued interest and sent it. If you private message me, I’d be happy to give you pointers on what to include. I would email a one lined email - it seems pointless.

My understanding is that while some private schools pay attention to interest shown via extra notes many public ones including UW, don’t. You show your interest in your application essays- perfunctory essays show a lack of interest.

short answer- don’t bug them.