Email from FA Office - Does It Mean Anything?

<p>I got an email today from Princeton's Financial Aid office saying that they hadn't received the PFAA from me (whoops...I didn't know about it) and reminded me to complete it online or to let them know if I've since changed my mind about applying for aid.</p>

<p>The email sounds innocent enough, but is there any chance this is an indication of my admissions chances? Is it just a courtesy reminder? Feedback would be much appreciated!</p>

<p>No, usually not. The Financial Aid Office is completely independent of the Admissions Office. The Financial Aid Office wants to process your information regardless of what’s going on in the Admissions Office.</p>

<p>I got an FA email as well. I looked into it and discovered an older post on CC about the same topic.
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Almost all the people who said they received the same email as the OP received were eventually admitted, including the OP.</p>

<p>@cherryblossom71 Congratulations! I would bet that you are accepted. At this time in the process, universities have finalized pretty much all decisions and have given their acceptees to the Financial Aid office to complete aid packages. That’s why you got the email, why would they bother doing the aid package for a rejected applicant? Congrats!</p>

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<p>what if you’ve already submitted the PFAA? then there’s no need for them to send an email, right?</p>

<p>@saffy that would make sense if you submitted the PFAA already. Thanks, eduard97, but I’m going to be cautious about it until the 28th. It sounds logical, but then again, it’s also what I want to hear :stuck_out_tongue: Some of the posters in the old thread didn’t get in according to my snooping anyways.</p>

<p>Congrats if it means an acceptance! (or, congratulations anyways just cuz you applied to Princeton!). But don’t get the hopes up haha; the greater the hopes the more disappointed you will be. I didn’t go through that thread, but keep in mind that a SINGLE case of waitlist or rejection among all the people who received that email can disprove the whole argument. Good luck to all
Edit: seems like most of ppl who got the email in that thread got in…but again, one counter example is enough haha.</p>

<p>From looking at the old thread, it seems like there are 2 variations of the FA email that Princeton sends out. There must be a difference or else they would just send 1, right? It seems like anyone who got the same email as the OP in the thread was accepted. Which did you get cherryblossom71?</p>

<p>^Why would they send out two different emails both asking for financial aid application missing materials?if they really want to differentiate between accepted and rejected/waitlisted, they would only need to send emails to the accepted (there’s no point in sending out to the latter right?). If they don’t want to differentiate…there would be only one email version.</p>

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<p>I got the OP version. Fingers crossed! Have you asked your counselor about it, BIGGESTBOSS? My counselor didn’t know about Princeton specifically, but she told me that a student a few years ago got a FA email that said “this has no bearing on your decision” but was admitted a few days later. Whatever that means.</p>

<p>I got the same as the OP as well. I haven’t asked my counselor yet - I don’t think they will really help me at all with this. I hope it’s good news, but I hate to speculate and get my hopes up. Also @lovenerds, I have no idea why they send 2 versions of FA emails, but they do. Look at the aforementioned thread. I don’t think one means accepted and one means denied because people were accepted from both emails. It seems though that those who got the OP’s email were almost always accepted. Maybe things have changed though - Who knows. Only a week left.</p>

<p>If this turns out actually to be an indicator of admission, do you think more people next year will “forget” to turn in the PFAA? :P</p>

<p>This happened to me with MIT and I got in!! Don’t assume anything but it is a good sign</p>

<p>This did not happen to my son and he got into Princeton. I would really caution against assumptions/presumptions here! If you received an e-mail from the Financial Aid Office saying they didn’t get your PFAA, then it means they didn’t get your PFAA. Try not to read anything into it. </p>

<p>I remember looking for any possible clue while we were waiting for admissions to come out with their decision…it’s hard not to get antsy this close to decision day. Try not to overthink it too much! And big breath… =)</p>

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<p>Thanks for the advice @Cantiger. Did your son forget to submit the PFAA as well?</p>

<p>Yeah don’t worry, I won’t get too excited just yet.</p>

<p>@BIGGESTBOSS Is Princeton your top choice?</p>

<p>Not really. I’d like to get in, but I won’t be bummed if I don’t. I was already accepted to Uchicago, so that alleviates most of the pressure to get in.</p>

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<p>Oh congrats! :slight_smile: I haven’t gotten into a top tier school yet, so I’m dying a little inside as 28th draws closer.</p>

<p>Do you want to post our Princeton decisions in this thread so that future classes can have more info about this FA email thing?</p>

<p>I never got this email and I just turned in the PFAA after reading this thread. My hopes have now been dashed. :(</p>

<p>lol i submitted my PFAA on the night before they sent out this email (which I assume was the day the op was posted)…yeah should’ve waited one more day</p>