Email to office of admissions

Hey everyone, I have decided to contact the office of admissions to all of the schools I am going to apply to as a tranfer (in order to ask what is most important in a transfer applicant), but many of these sites are extremely difficult to navigate. If anyone has the E-mail addresses ( to the OoA) to any of these schools:

Georgetown University
William and Mary
Washington in St. Louis
NYU (I almost posted this as BYU, lol)

I would be extremely grateful. Thanks. Phone numbers are appreciated as well.
*Note I did post this in the transfer sub-forum as well. I am not spamming.

<p>If you go to each of the school's websites and click on admissions, there will be a link to contact admissions.</p>

<p>I simply don't understand how anyone can say that any college website is difficult to navigate. As Sybbie says, go to each school's website, click on admissions, and look for the link for contact information. I COULD look up all of this information for you in five or ten minutes, but so could you if you made half an effort. And, by the way, you probably want the email information for the admissions rep serving YOUR area, so asking someone else to post a list for you probably isn't going to be very useful. Sorry, but this is one you have to do yourself --- After all, good research skills are kind of important in college; Consider this a chance to hone your skills. :)</p>

<p>sorry, I am new to the internet. It's been about two months. Sorry for the inconvenience.</p>

<p>Georgetown does ** not ** have e-mail to its undergraduate admissions office.</p>


<p>don't bother. i emailed them and they don care....</p>