I want to email yale a research abstract but I can’t find any email , and it’s possible just with fax but I can’t use fax. What should I do?
Many admissions offices WILL NOT open email attachments from prospective students or unknown people as they don’t want to risk infecting their computer with a virus (not that you would do such a thing, but every office has their specific protocols which AO’s must adhere to). .So, I would follow the directions on Yale’s website: https://admissions.yale.edu/contact-us
@mer377, D submitted her research abstract and report via Slide Room per Yale’s instruction.
@AngelaD But there were not section for research abstract at slideroom.
I believe you had to indicate on your Yale Comm App that you have a research report to submit. Then there will be a portfolio link on your CA that link you to Yale Slide Room. It will then give you the link to upload your research to Yale. This is the link to their instruction. http://admissions.yale.edu/supplementary
Since you have submitted your comm app, it’s too late to submit it through CommApp/Slide Room. I suggest you call/email Yale to find out if there is an alternate way.