Embarassing moment at Tuscaloosa Target

<p>Class2012Mom…on my GAWD I feel sorry for the Target shoppers this weekend! Make sure they’re the expensive latex-free ones. I 100% agree with you about how practical it would be to have condom machines on campus, in both sets of bathrooms.</p>


<p>I’ve told D that to remember that if something should happen that the guy is one she will have to deal with for a lifetime, and his family. It is not a matter to be taken lightly even though some tend to view the activity more lightly and not realize the life long impact that could come with having a night of “fun”. </p>

<p>No, I do not want to be a meemaw at all any time soon.</p>

<p>maybe Target should have a greeter at the entrances handing out boxes. Or maybe some freebies should be in the goodie bags at the Target Night that’s coming up.</p>



<p>Ooh, I don’t know about that. I think it would open up a whole can of worms. ;)</p>

<p>I’m reminded of the story of a simple guy who went to make his first such purchase. He asked the pharmacist which to buy. Pharmacist said these are good, and they’re on sale for a dollar each. OK, I’ll take three. Pharmacist says that will be $3.24 with tax. Guy says “Tax? You mean these things don’t stay on by themselves?”</p>

<p>Ooh, I don’t know about that. I think it would open up a whole can of worms</p>

<p>or can of snakes…</p>



<p>Wishful thinking. OK, I’m done here, lol.</p>

<p>To paraphrase Freud, sometimes a worm is just a worm. :)</p>

<p>That story is too funny. Makes you definitely want to know who ended up with them and the conversation that followed! Could you see a happily married couple who already had kids and mom was “fixed”???</p>

<p>Better yet, dad was fixed. Mom shopping alone goes home and dad unloads the groceries.
Oops! Wonder how many PI’s received phone calls this weekend?</p>

<p>^ Less than there will be after this weekend!</p>

<p>Are you saying there will be a run on a certain product in T-Town?</p>

<p>I can see it now. Next will be some study about the most sexually active campus based on sales. Lol!</p>