<p>Shoudl I apply through Embark or Common app?</p>
<p>I was looking through the two and I noticed that Embark's application did not have a section regarding the Common app essay. Does that mean when I apply through Embark, I only have 1 400-500 word essay?</p>
<p>I used Embark. A lot of the schools I applied to used Embark, so it was actually easier for me to go that route–a lot of stuff was already filled in. However, if you’re applying to a lot of Common App schools, then you should probably stick to using the Common App for your NYU application to make things easier.</p>
<p>nyu doesn’t prefer one over the other. common app and embark are both considered equally. if common app has an extra essay, then i would see it as extra work. if you only have a few common app schools just do the embark. one less essay to do right?</p>
<p>i actually started using embark, but switched to common app b/c i really liked my common app essay and wanted it to be included in my nyu application</p>