Embarrassing moments

<p>post your top 5 most embarassing thing about you
Don't be *** and lie or say something thats not really embarrassing. Don't protect your E-reputation. It's the internet, just be honest.</p>

<p>I have nothing funny to add but I think this is a great idea for a thread so BUMP! Come on guys!</p>

<p>^ hmm… i’ll keep it to myself</p>

<p>psh. you guys are no fun. Here goes.
I sucked my thumb till I was like, 16. (I’m currently 18).
I once fell while giving a speech for debate at Harvard. Fun times.
I was walking with this guy friend that I really liked and I walked into a poll.</p>

<p>As you can see, i’m what you’d call an epic fail.</p>

<p>I don’t really get embarrassed easily, tripping in front of the class, etc. doesn’t embarrass me-it takes a lot for me to get embarrassed. But I am embarrassed about one thing- one time my friend accidentally told this kid’s mom that I like her son to which she replied she’d ask him about me. I don’t know if she ever did… I can’t even look at the kid anymore or in his general direction, hah. So I may be embarrassed for no reason, but who knows.</p>

<p>Walked into a poll? couldn’t avoid the questions?</p>

<p>Well, my standard answer to this question goes something like this: </p>

<p>I was in second grade, and the other girls were playing ring-around-the-rosy. Being my misanthropic self, I was just standing there, lost in thought. They wanted me to play, but no amount of pushing or whining would make me “fall down” at the end. So, they were sitting and I was still standing in the vicinity, when they started tugging at the hem of my skirt. It had an elastic waist… so after a certain amount of tugging… down it came. I responded by pulling my skirt back up and pretending I couldn’t hear them. </p>

<p>But lots of things embarrass me-- I just don’t easily admit it.</p>

<p>in middle school i got my whole class homework for being a smart-ass and promptly started crying about it</p>

<p>HAHAH to Chipmonkey, opps. I meant pole. Like I said, epic fail.</p>

<p>omg I have such a good one. But at the time it didn’t even phase me. </p>

<p>It happened in 1st grade. I had this mean young teacher who, when I asked to go pee, wouldn’t let me go. So I paced around the room trying to hold it in. But then, being my brilliant little self, I got an idea! Since I was wearing stockings, wouldn’t the pee just go unnoticed if I just happened to…go then and there?
So, I sat down on the floor in the middle of class,peed, and then looked around at the HUGE puddle of yellow all around me.
Needless to say I was a smarty way back when.</p>

<p>^ I have a similar story in kindergarten.</p>

<p>I was in art class and it was the first day of “class” and the teacher was introducing himself, telling us what we’ll being doing that year, etc and I REALLY had to pee. However, I didn’t want to be rude and interrupt him to ask if I could go to the bathroom. As a result, my bladder “burst” and a huge yellow puddle spread from under my chair around the classroom.</p>

<p>…lol. Thankfully no one remembers.</p>

<p>[F***</a> My Life - ■■■ : Your everyday life stories.](<a href=“Your everyday life stories - ■■■***”>http://www.fmylife.com/?page=1)</p>

<p>possibly the saddest but funniest website ever. </p>


<p>I was at a track meet and all the girls were obsessing over this hot guy from another school. They told me (since I’m obnoxious) to go take pictures of him on my phone, which I did. Then I walked back to our team and I grabbed this girl and told her what a creeper I am (thinking it was my friend), and of course it was someone else on the team who didn’t know what I did -_- So I assured my creeper status with her.</p>

<p>Lol, I honestly [or don’t remember] have never been really embarrassed by anything.</p>

<p>i was touched by a random boy… hee touched my buttt!</p>

<p>I was feeling ill in Health class in middle school, but didn’t want to interrupt the slideshow on various infectious diseases (lockjaw… fun, huh?) Eventually I summoned the courage to stand up and say, “Can I go to the Nurse’s Office? I don’t feel-”
And then I threw up all over the floor.
The irony of it occurring in Health class is not lost on me.</p>



<p>spell chipmoney right. more epic fail</p>

<p>Oooh so I remembered an embarrassing moment. So I lied earlier. lol.
Anyway, my friend and I were at our school’s band concert this past winter because we had to write a critique of some music performance for a grade in orchestra. Anyway. I’m sitting next to her and some random woman is on my right. So. My ex-boyfriend from, like, 9th grade or something walks on to the stage for whatever part of the concert that he’s in, and some kid threw a drum stick on the stage right in front of him and he slipped on it and halfway fell down. Soooo my friend and I are laughing and are like “HA HAHAHA AAHHAHA ____ FELL DOWN!” And then I had the brilliant idea to make a silly comment about the fact that he sleeps around with everyone and that now he has herpes, or something, lol, and all sorts of STDs, so I said something along the lines of, “Ew ____ spilled AIDs all over the stage.” Anyway. not that funny. So the woman next to me looks at me and is like “That’s my son.” and I go, “REALLY???//////////////////////// D:” looooool. Yeah…</p>

<p>In Chemistry this year on the second day of school, I was feeling sick and thought I was going to throw up. The teacher was talking and I sat in the middle of the room, so I couldn’t get up. I raised my hand, but she gestured for me to put my hand down.
I was kind of freaking out and finally just got up. She kept talking, but people in the class were watching me. I was trying to stay as calm as possible, but then I got the dry heaves and people started turning their heads and/or taking cover. I was about two thirds of the way to the door, and up it came, all over the carpet, in front of everyone.
I just kind of stood there, bending over, and the teacher gave me a trash can and told me to go to the nurse.
The nurse did not send me home, since it was last period. I went back to class about 15 minutes later, and the janitor had not come in to the classroom yet. When he did, it was incredibly awkward to sit there with my class as the janitor cleaned up my vomit.</p>

<p>And I still get crap about this every day.</p>

<p>I was at a violin concert with my family, and my parents saw a friend that they didnt see for a long time. I wasnt sure if I remembered who their friend was, so I asked my parents if he was the one who had an ugly daughter. I completely forgot that their friend was still standing there! -__- SO embarassing.</p>

<p>Another time, I was walking to history class with my friend, and i kept syaing how I hoped Mr. _______ would be absent today. Turns out that teacher was walking right past us when I was saying that.</p>