*Embarrassing Question*

<p>I recognize that I sound kindof...noob-ish...but what exactly goes down in discussion? When I went to summer school and section basically was question asking time but pretty much for 90 mins of lecture only lasted 45 minutes. i'm asking because i'm taking an envi sci course, which is not a lab-based course, that has a 2.5 hour discussion section relative to a one hour lecture. What are we doing in there, with a GSI, for all that time? my other sections are all an hour tops. ??</p>

<p>Considering how it’s environmental science, it may be sort of lab-like. It’s just not listed as a lab on the online schedule. The GSIs will probably have activities planned for you to do during that time…maybe you’ll have field trips to relevant local areas. I have never heard of any discussion section being only a Q&A sesh.</p>

<p>It depends on the course.</p>

<p>To be honest, I only attend discussion when I find it in my personal interest. That usually translates to: I don’t feel 100% confident about a particular subject after lecture. For some courses, I have only a 10% attendance rate in discussion because of that.</p>

<p>What I recommend is that you find out for yourself before making any judgments. Always attend the first few discussion sections, as it may greatly differ for different courses.</p>

<p>ooh, which env sci class is it? the ones for es 10 were always fun, but I’m an es major, so I may be a little biased.</p>

<p>es 10 exactly. i’m an envisci/crs major as well, so that sounds great!</p>