<p>After I finished setting up my new dell inspiron desktop, I called a "Dell Online tech support" number to settle McAffee issue. An Indian guy answered the phone in like 5 seconds, and then he asked me to log onto logmein123.com in order for him to preform remote control over my computer. (he asked for my name, and then gave me a 6 digits code for me to access) it's (connected through iYogi...)
He then opened the local address and some foreign addresses for my computer and told me that the foreign addresses are the ones attempting to hack my computer. He also went to my home network (3 computers) group...and then he told me that there is a lot viruses in all of the computers in my home network,,,and tried to convince me to spend about $200 dollars for a one time fee in order for them to install a firewall program and will continue to help remove the viruses from my computer in the future. When I told him I don't wanna buy it, he warned me that my computer system will crash in the near future. Anyway, I hung up the phone (and then i disconnected iYogi).......</p>
<p>Are they still able to have control over my computer and see everything I do in my computer even after i disconnected iYogi (like my all of the computers in my home network are not safe anymore? will they be able to track my banking activities and other personal stuff if i do it in the future? </p>
<p>I am so worried and I don't know what to do.</p>