Emerging Scholars program

<p>For those we are interested in this program</p>

<p>[The</a> University of Alabama Emerging Scholars Program](<a href=“http://esp.cbhp.ua.edu/]The”>http://esp.cbhp.ua.edu/)</p>

<p>thanks, sent the link on to my son. application not online yet. looks like a 1st year research program…not sure there is any followup after the 1st year, cant tell from description, seems to say you can continue your research after the 1st year??</p>

<p>When I met Dr. Sharpe, he mentioned this to me since I am waitlisted on the CBHP. Looks like a fairly new program. I am trying to figure what is the difference between this program and the CBHP.</p>

<p>not alot of details on the website and surprised no app available for 2010 yet. the link comes up as esp.cbhp so maybe they are related? not to be derogatory but maybe it is the fallback program for kids that dont get cbhp but keeps them interested in UA? son is in the reserve pool (sms9s are you waitlisted or reserve?) and i know he wants a research program, this might keep him interested… as ua was falling fast</p>

<p>I’m glad this program now has a website. The honors college has included CBHP in the URL of programs not connected with CBHP (forms have to be filed and approved for a something.ua.edu address), but I think that the two programs are somehow connected.</p>

<p>seatide do you know if it continues as a “program” after the first year?</p>

<p>My bad, I’m in the reserve pool. I think you are right about this “fallback” option. I plan to major in Microbiology, go to grad. school or med school, so the research is very importan to me. My impression with the honors college staff is that they are willing to work with you to enable/empower you for your next step.</p>

<p>the following quotes from the site make me think it is basically a one year thing</p>

<p>The Emerging Scholars Program is an undergraduate research program for freshman students</p>

<p>The program lasts throughout the entire freshman year,…To complete the program, you will present the results of your research in the Undergraduate Research Conference in April</p>

<p>What happens after my freshman year with regards to Emerging Scholars?
There is no obligation to continue with a specific project or with undergraduate research; however many students will continue to work with faculty members of projects of mutual interest.</p>

<p>sms92, different major but similar goals to my son. he wants chemistry, biochem and forensic chemisty… grad school, md or md/phd. he has interviewed at uab for 2 programs he really likes that give him the research opportunities and has another interview for a research program at IU coming up. i’ve said it before but i really think his decision will come down to which research program fits him best.(and of course which ones he gets accepted to LOL)</p>

<p>ASU’s has a very good Biochem program ranked higher than UCBerkeley, I was surprised. The have the Biodesig Institution. The Barrett Honors College is wonderful too. They give decent scholarship to National Merit scholars.</p>

<p>i’ve heard good things about asu but for whatever reason didnt make son’s list at app time. did you apply there?</p>

<p>Yes, spent an overnight stay in Barrett & visited the Biodesign Inst. Loved it there too. But the scholarship is not as generous as Bama’s. About 70% of the graduates from Barrett go on to graduate or professional schools.</p>

<p>wouldnt it be wonderful, if you guys could build your own college… take the best of each and voila… discussions with my son are… love the program, don’t like the campus…love the campus doesnt offer best program… love program and campus not enough merit money… okay program hate the dorms.</p>

<p>I am trying to figure what is the difference between this program and the CBHP.</p>

<p>CBHP has required classes and lasts 3-4 years.</p>

<p>It sounds like Emerging scholars doesn’t have a required class, which in some ways is good because you don’t have to fit a class in your schedule. </p>

<p>Yes, technically it’s for freshmen year only, but as noted, a student can certainly continue to work with a prof for as long as they want. </p>

<p>I think that the benefit is that it gets kids thinking of asking profs if there is something they can assist with. </p>

<p>There is a student at Bama that just asked a prof if there was anything he could assist with. He’s been testing the strain on critical objects such as the external tank of a space shuttle? This kid has now won national awards for his work. He’s been to national competitions (and won them). His story will be featured in the next issue of Mosaic - the Honors College magazine.</p>

<p>Can anyone report some first hand experience with this program? I don’t recall it being mentioned during our honors college visit.</p>

<p>Hmmmm…is this something that liberal arts majors might be able to participate in, too? (Thanks in advance.)</p>

<p>DD did the Emerging Scholar program her freshman year, she threw in her application for CPHP at last minute when she applied and was put on the waitlist. When we were at Bama Bound Dr. Sharpe mentioned this opportunity (which for her worked out well)</p>

<p>She was not sure of major/minor at the beginning of Freshman year. She (and the other) Emerging Scholars are matched with a professor to mentor and do a research project.</p>

<p>Ds project and research was posponed due to various reasons so she did not get the full Emerging Scholar experience, yet still enjoyed the lectures and the work she did. The Emerging Scholars present during spring presentations. I honestly do not know the criteria for selection, she was just asked during Alabama Action and went to a meeting!</p>

<p>She is still in contact with the professor. The work she did was with Autism.</p>

<p>She has since gone on and done 2 research projects in Psych. One for credit one for pay. This summer she will continue the paid project and pick up a third research project for the summer! Really the opportunities at UA are great!</p>


<p>Thanks for the helpful info. Do you know how many students were in the Emerging Scholar program with your D?</p>

<p>omama, so is your D staying in T town for the summer? My S is planning on a psych major btw.</p>

<p>Sorry my D is at a meeting this evening and I can’t get much info on program.</p>

<p>She did text me that 20 kids were in the Emerging Scholars program last year.</p>

<p>And yes she will be staying this summer, doing Psych research. And possibly a few other projects. The original plan was MCAT prep but it seems her plate keeps getting fuller and fuller!</p>