Emerson EA 2025

I would pay Emerson a gazillion dollars if they would just say “We will be announcing MT and Theater EA on X date.”


#refresh refresh refresh

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My daughter is waiting to hear from Emerson for Theatre and Performance. She reached out to her counselor who told her they would hear this week, before Christmas. Not sure if the timeline is the same for MT.

THANK YOU–what torture!!

I heard decisions are out today for MT.

Thanks for the update! Could really use something positive today.

So excited S accepted for Theatre and Performance, no email, had to check portal. we were a little confused that no merit aid, hoping that we can appeal

Do you think it is worth a visit to Boston to get a feel for the area even if we can’t officially visit campus? Does anyone know if the buildings are open so we could Walk in some of them Or maybe meet with some students. I see we will need negative covid tests to visit Mass. If it was just based on major BCE is a perfect fit, but her choices are all so different ( mountains, desert, ocean- really hit them all!) it is such a challenge without seeing in person.

Hi everyone! Does anyone know if merit scholarship notifications are separate from the acceptance email?

Both came together for my S.

does anyone know if Emerson sends out physical acceptance letters or is it just the web version?

Hey! Does anyone know when Emerson EA/ED Round II will be posted? Website says by Feb. 1, but was wondering if anyone has heard any other dates? Thanks!

My son just got his physical acceptance letter today. In California.

Congrats!! And thanks for the response! My son got his EA2 acceptance for Media Studies about 2 weeks ago!

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Will there be an Emerson RD 2025 thread? I applied for regular admission and am obsessed with wanting to know if I got in. I wanted to apply EA but I needed my first semester grades included in the application to show improvement. Did anyone apply communication sciences and disorders?