Oh gawd bearpanther - this is one of those almost impossible things to discuss on a message board imho but I think you are correct.
I am very small and very feminine looking and have always been much more girly acting and giggly than appropriate. I have always been interested in men. Men have always been interested in me. Men have almost never touched me without my permission. That permission may have been non-verbal.
I wrote about slugging a kisser, with my father’s permission in second grade. That was really the end of anyone sexually harassing me. I remember a foreign student at college, who didn’t really undersand the culture, who kept following me around after class for a few days asking me out and politely being refused. Eventually I had to be rude. I had to tell him: “I will never go on a date with you. I do not like you.” I still feel bad about that.
When I was immensely pregnant and giving a huge party, a male heterosexual friend came up behind me and rubbed my shoulders. I do not think he meant it as a sexual gesture in any way. I think he just thought I looked really stressed. I turned around and gave him quite a look and he let go and never touched me again. We weren’t “hugging whenever we saw each other” kinds of friends or I may have reacted differently. No other male has rubbed my shoulders. Other than a male family member.
Regardless what vibes we give out, no one should be touching us without permission!!!