Emory Class of 2027 Official Thread

Yeah, I don’t know about calling Emory a second tier school implementing yield protection - I don’t think Emory is in that category or that they have to worry too much about filling up their class. Their entrance class stats speak for themselves - seems pretty high stat to me.


Emory is not second tier and doesn’t have to worry about yield. They don’t track demonstrated interest. They do however, get a glut of CA applicants. Most schools do.


Accepted into Oxford. WL at Emory. Anyone with thoughts about Oxford?


It all depends how your kid feels about being in a pretty small environment for two years. Some kids like it because they then have both a slac and bigger university experience, some kids only want the bigger university.

If you are looking for a small, tight knit community, Oxford is awesome. If you want an active nightlife, you will hate it. It just depends on your priorities. I grew up in Oxford and my dad was a professor there. I live in Atlanta now. I love the Mayberry feel of Oxford, but also understand that lots of teens would likely find it a bit too small.

Feel free to message me with questions. And good luck with your admissions decision!:smile:

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S23 first choice was Oxford, which he got. WL Atlanta campus but that’s ok as he wrote essay for Oxford experience first, only applied both since same application fee and just a box to check. Honestly, Emory was only on his list because of Oxford option, our family loves idea of smaller campus & town first as college transition is already hard. We are from a small town


They list the admitted student days online. There are several.

Accepted Oxford . Rejected Emory.


Found an old thread from 2018 where postage helped predict decision. .47 was WL/reject and .68 was accept. Out letter says .60 so I’m guessing with updated rates that’s more in line with .47 letters in 2018. Boo hoo.


Thanks. Looks like it’s just the “Swoop” Student Panel and Campus Tour visits. In contrast to Oxford that has the full day, Oxford Preview Day.

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When and how will we find out about financial or merit awards? I’ve got acceptances to both campuses but no idea about the financial bit.

Sorry that was for wrong thread

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Merit has been awarded I believe. Someone above said financial aid in the next 1-2 days

Rejected from both oops :skull:
From CA
4.0UW/4.6W, 1530
13 APs
Applied through Questbridge RD


It is a Top30

It has ED1/ED2 programs which is the highest expression of demonstrated interest

It still has a yield of less than 40%

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And still plenty of top students to apparently fill up their class and WL/reject still more top students. Hence yield protection is not likely. Their CDS says they do not track demonstrated interest. Most private school have ED. Not the same thing.

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So if Emory already gave out merit scholarships a month ago for the Woodruff Scholaship, does that mean there is no chance for RD admits to get any kind of merit scholarship funds now?

Removing my post as I have the answer I needed.

Filling up the class is not the issue. The issue is Yield. Yield is one of the most important metrics top (especially private universities) focus on. It impacts their rankings etc… All of them protect yield. However, the ones with lower yield take greater care to protect it. This is nothing new… however what is new in the post pandemic trend of higher and higher number of colleges each student applies to. That has made the problem of managing yield a nightmare for everyone, especially for schools outside of T10/20. With its yield below 40%, it is extremely protective of this metric. We will have to see in the future, but it will be interesting to see how many of its 2027 class it pulled from the ED1/ED2 applicants, but I am sure in this env., it is larger than prior years. All this to protect their yield. So in RD, when they see an applicant that has a profile that would be attractive to T20 schools, they think long and hard about accepting them because they know that they will likely have other offers (unless they can sweeten the offer with some Merit scholarship). Schools are now using very sophisticated algorithms to try to guess who will accept their offers or not. And when in doubt, they waitlist… When schools like Emory take this approach, this is what I call yield protection.