<p>Anyone else applying ED II? Do i even stand a chance with a 3.2-3.3 uw but a 2380?
I really like Emory</p>
<p>and where it asks for a photograph, is it better to include one?</p>
<p>Didn’t remember the asking for a photograph, but…
If you’ve been into the admissions office a lot or met with counselors a lot for any reason – a picture may help them to put a face to the name…otherwise–not so relevant.</p>
<p>EDI deferrals and rejects have [so far] had higher than ranged SAT I scores–none have been this high though-- but lower GPAs…so it’s hard to tell. .
But if Emory is your first choice, I would most definitely go for it, there is always a chance! </p>
<p>Good luck :D!</p>
<p>oh and im asian, would that hurt me a lot?</p>
<p>Don’t think it’ll hurt…might actually help depending on the demographics of the rest of the EDII applicant pool…</p>
<p>i’m applying ed2. i have 3.45 uw, but a 4.3 weighted. my sat is only 1960 though. i have 1310/1600 though and emory’s midrange is still only like 1320-1380 or so. im so nervous! do we find out feb 1st?</p>
<p>I am applying EDII. I have a 3.7 unweighted, maybe a bit higher, and I got a 32 on the ACT.</p>
<p>I’m also doing ED II. I have a 3.9 unweighted and a 4.2 weighted… but then of course everyone has their flaws… 27 on the ACT. I just took it again for the last time, thank god, hoping for a 29 or 30. Tons of EC’s and really great recs. My essays are also very creative… show not tell. Does my ACT really hurt my chances? I love Emory with a passion and I’ve done everything to increase my chances…</p>
<p>Yeah i’m basically like Emory Lover above, same test scores and everything. only, uw gpa is like a 3.3. but i got a 1330 if you convert the act math and english scores. ec’s are good and so are recs and my essays were loved. I hope that i can get in EDII if i do it, but i’m unsure.</p>
<p>does anyone know…
is the pool for EDII bigger/smaller than EDI?
and is it more/less selective?</p>
<p>isnt that the million dollar question</p>
<p>i’m so nervous. i feel like i should get in but everything is so competitive now.
where else did you all apply for colleges?
oh, is it good if emory called my counselor checking up on my senior year grades?</p>
<p>I’m from SoCal so I applied to UCLA, Cal, UCSB, UCSD, UCI, AND UC Davis… as well as USC, LMU as a back up, and Texas. And I applied to U of A just for the hell of it and I got into the honors program and got $60,000 so there is hope for everyone! I am soo nervous about Emory! It is my dream and I went to visit and I am basically bff with the admission office. AHHHH!! I hope we all get in!</p>
<p>do any of you guys play sports? or plan on playing in college?</p>
<p>yeahhh. I play soccer and softball mainly. I was talking to the softball coach at Emory and I was gonna play, and I might still try out. But if that doesn’t work out, I’ll defnitely play club so I don’t join the freshman 15 club.</p>
<p>yeah ive been talking to 2 coaches also so i hope they have some pull in admissions to support my app.
i wouldnt think that many people would be applying EDII though. i mean some people apply because they were rejected EDI somewhere else, but i really think we’ll be in a much smaller pool of people.
is there any reason you guys are doing EDII instead of I?</p>
<p>ok the EDII deadline is coming up…
has anyone else applied?
let’s get this thread going!</p>
<p>i applied too with a 31 act, 2000 act 3.85 gpa!! i don’t know? let’s see…</p>
<p>Emory foremost cares about your high school curriculum and the grades you got in your classes. Tests are a factor but a kid with a perfect score on the SATs but low gpa has a lesser chance of getting in than a kid with a 4.0 and hard courses but a lower SAT. EC’s are also definitely important. It is not the quantity but quality. Show some leadership,hardwork, and interest and you have a good chance at Emory.</p>
<p>does emory like IB students</p>