<p>I have recently been accepted into Emory RD and UF Honors program!!!!!! yay!!! Now here is the dilemma: my financial aid for emory is pretty good but I still have to pay around 15,000 a year including loans of 5,500...with the total coming up to 20500:( UF is a bit cheaper with around 16,100 that I have to pay each year without any loans but bright futures scholarship might be ending in the future. My parents make around 60,000 each year but due to this economy my dad had suffered a pay cut. I did an appeal for more financial aid for Emory and got rejected! I don't know which school is better for me since I want to be a doctor? Is it worth going to emory for the price?</p>
<p>You still have to pay money for UF honors? If you don’t know which school is better for pre-med, I don’t know Emory is such a good choice for you…</p>
<p>It doesn’t matter where you go for undergrad as long you get a high GPA and MCAT scores. Here is a link to a page that contains statistics for the medical school acceptance rate of Emory’s pre-med students.
<a href=“http://www.career.emory.edu/parents/pdf/Med_Stats_2009.pdf[/url]”>http://www.career.emory.edu/parents/pdf/Med_Stats_2009.pdf</a>
Emory is only slightly above the national average.</p>
<p>whoa…we’re like twins. I’m in EXACTLY the same situation, with EXACTLY the same financial aid package!</p>
<p>chocolatenutz, are you implying that Emory is better for premed? Why can’t people on collegeconfidential actually give helpful advice instead of trying to seem like they are so much better than you by being all cryptic?</p>
<p>Emory. This shouldn’t even be a question.</p>
<p>what kp217 said, if that’s what you want to ask, ScientistDancer.</p>
<p>Wow! Hi ScientistDancer! Have you decided what school to pick yet? Judging from everything, I think I would be better off at Emory!
I am still keeping UF Honors in mind though, but I dont like the fact that their tuition is going up each year and Bright Futures is getting cut :(, but Emory gives really good need based aid depending on your parents’ income. Since I am pretty sure my parents’ income will decline in the following years, I think Emory is a safer bet especially if I want to be more prepared for the MCATs, and I prefer the city life. I have had friends visit UF’s campus only to remark that there is really nothing outside of school.
It is ultimately your choice in the end, but I hope to see you in whatever school you choose in the end! What high school do you go to?</p>
<p>Kids from UF go to the top medical schools too. I understand that Emory is ranked higher, but if you work hard at either school, you’re going to get into a good med school. And ultimately the smart decision is to go to the school that isn’t as expensive. At UF, my parents and I would share the burden of the loans. At Emory, my parents would have to take out twice as much as me. </p>
<p>kabushki, I know what you mean. I love Atlanta. I actually visited last weekend for the Essence program. It was really wonderful, and I met some great people. I’m worried that the amount they gave me in grants is going to go down as the years go on This is of course going to be a difficult decision. The NBB program is amazing though and I met one student that wouldn’t stop talking about how involved the professors were. He was pretty much gushing about it
I go to a school in south florida, PM me if you want to know more (heh, don’t want to put it on a public forum)</p>
<p>Oh and I know of one student from UF this year who was accepted into Harvard Medical School. People really don’t give it enough credit :)</p>