<p>Under my OPUS Emory account, it says that my essays, counselor recommendation, etc were 'initiated,' with other things like payment, test scores, commonapp completed. What does 'initiated' mean? Have they started the process of reviewing it, or have they not received it yet?</p>
<p>Yeah mines does too…Can someone help?</p>
<p>same here… </p>
<p>theres a disclaimer stating that the information probably is not up to date because they have a lot of paperwork to process so i don’t think you should be worried much.</p>
<p>I have that too…I guess maybe I’ll call the admission office if nothing shows up.</p>
<p>If I’m not mistaken it means Emory has acknowledged that you’ve turned these things in, they just have to process it.</p>
<p>it means they have yet to recieve it. its possible its waiting to be processed</p>
<p>Hey everyone. For me, basically everything for Emory was “Completed” except for the ED Agreement Form (“Initiated”), which was strange because my counselor turned that in along with my transcript and her letter. I emailed the admissions office yesterday telling them this and they replied this morning saying they actually have my ED Agreement form and that it was just a mistake in the system. She also said they would try to fix it right away.</p>
<p>I think either this will get updated for you later or it mught just be a mistake like it was for me. In any case, you should email admissions asking them for help.</p>
<p>Hope that helped!</p>