Emory, WashU, Johns Hopkins, Syracuse, Tulane

<p>What are my chances at the following schools? Please be honest.</p>

<p>Emory University
Washington University in St. Louis
Johns Hopkins
Syracuse University (Newhouse)
Tulane University</p>

<p>SAT I
Critical Reading - 600
Math - 690
Writing - 740
Total - 2030</p>

<p>(I plan on retaking them in October to boost up the Criticial Reading score)</p>

US History - 690
Math IC - 660</p>

Freshman Year - B+/A-
Sophomore Year - B+
Junior Year - B (taking AP's this year though)
[Note: I am at a very competitive private school that is known to be difficult and have had no final grades below the B range.]</p>

French Honors (9,10)
AP US History (11)
AP Art History (11)
AP World History (12)
AP English (12, if accepted)</p>

<li>All other courses have been mainstream (e.g. I am taking Pre-Cal and Physics this year). I have taken some courses beyond the normal requirement as well.</li>

Editor-in-Chief of school newspaper (9,10,11,12)
President of a Caucus (11,12)
Wall Street Investment Club (9,10,11,12)
Debate Team (10)
Youth Group (10)</p>

Cross Country (9,10,11,12)
Winter Track (9)
Tennis (9)</p>

260+ hours</p>

Camp counselor for past three summers</p>

Community Service Award</p>

Whichever school I apply to, I will definitely apply early decision. I am also not applying for any financial aid (not sure if this helps). I am caucasian and live in the northeast.</p>

<p>emory: reach
washu/hopkins: big reach
Syracuse: ?
Tulane: match</p>