Emphasis on GPA and Scores, and maybe a little chancing.

<p>I just wanted to know if I had low test scores and a somewhat high GPA, if it would sort of balance out?
I have a 4.1 W and 3.9 UW with a 4-year course load of high rigor, if not the most rigorous in my class.
I believe my recos will be better than average and essay will be average at it's best.<br>
My EC's have been very leadership and service oriented (Leo Club, Student Government, District Council's, NHS, etc.). I also have been working as a Barista at a CBTL. And over the summer, I presented a documentary in the NHD competition with my group as well as went to China on a service project in helping little kids to speak English.</p>

<p>But yeah,
besides maybe chancing on the vague info,
would my GPA help to pull up my score?
Or should I not even apply?</p>

<p>Depends how low.</p>

<p>My bad,
it was a 27 ACT.
My math and reading weren’t bad,
it was 18 and 29 resp.
It was those other two that brought it down.</p>

<p>Well, I think a 27 is a little too low for it to made up by GPA. Georgetown can fill its class with people who have both high test scores and high GPA’s, however, if you were able to bring that up a point or two, and demonstrate some strong extracurriculars, your chances would certainly shoot up.</p>

<p>unfortunately, GPA is a function of school. Standardized tests are the equalizers in the arena of “stat-based” selection. Having said that, a good ACT can cover a bad GPA. A good GPA cannot cover a bad ACT (because presumably, the GPA was then inflated).</p>