end of jr year..ECs SUCK!HELP!!

its almost the end of my junior year and i still need a strong EC to set me apart from others which i havent found, ive tried to run for diff president positions but i havent been too lucky? could someone PLEASE give me ideas of what to do this summer?? any programs etc? volunteering or what not? please any tips are strongly appreciated!

<p>Developing a hobby would be a good idea. Could be anything from bird watching to taking sculpting classes to astronomy. Whatever you're interested in. Would make a good essay too, if you find the right thing.</p>

<p>And look for summer internships. They're out there. If you can't get one, a regular job would do.</p>

<p>i have very wide/broad interests n i find it difficult to devote my time to solely one thing!</p>


<p>what are you involved in right now?</p>

<p>Dont just do something so you can be president. That was your problem. It appears you wanted to be leader of something. SOmetimes you need to work at something for some time before you will elected to office.</p>

<p>I have some ideas, but that would be too easy. Tell us what you have already done. Was it charity work, was it for fun, was it sports, was it politics, was it with children?</p>

<p>Give us something to start with.</p>

<p>i've done charity work, student council, national honor society..i'm basicaly up for anything and not just so i can get the leadership position on my resume..i actually <3 getting involved i just need more opportunities!help!</p>

<p>A good idea maybe to check out college near where you live and to do one of their summer programs for pre-senior/post-junior high school students. I have many friends that have done this. For most schools, you can actually earn real college credit, so it's better than just taking a class by itself. One of my friends has been doing this since the summer after her sophomore year, and she's going back next summer. (She's currently a senior).</p>

<p>Community service. Lots of it. Devote your summer to it. And, I'm not talking about shelving books at the library or pushing patient wheelchairs at a hospital --- I'm talking about finding a single volunteer position that puts you in the thick of things, that challenges you, makes you a bit uncomfortable perhaps, but makes you think about your real values and what matters to you. Tip: This should not be a volunteer program that you have to pay to participate in (i.e., a program that takes you to China to work with poor people but costs $3,000 to do.) Keep it close to home, make it matter, and give it your entire focus.</p>

<p>Start by asking your guidance counselor for some suggestions, get out your phone book, and start calling non-profit organizations in your community NOW to get this lined up. Extra points if you can start before summer.</p>

<p>thanks for all the help guys!!</p>

<p>what kind of volunteering program??</p>