<p>Actually...show me that proof that all energy drinks aren't good for ya!</p>
<p>Does SoBe count as an energy drink? Cause other than that, I have not tried an energy drink before.</p>
<p>I live on energy drinks.</p>
<p>I used to live on coffee but i started to get really dizzy... i dunno why</p>
<p>SoBe counts.</p>
<p>I love the taste of rockstar energy drinks! I remember last year during finals, they had a huge sale at my local grocery store.... $1 for a 24oz rockstar!!!!! Anyway, I've been drinking mountain dew all week, because I don't need any seirous caffeine, but just enough...</p>
<li>shrugs * i've read a lot of articles about energy drinks being bad and etc. anyway, i just stay away from them. nothing beats exercise, food and sleep.</li>
<p>I don't particularly need energy drinks, just the caffeine pills that I take in the morning.</p>
<p>I love to get my heart racing and blood flowing quickly and i become Jekyll Hyde!!! when I have my coffee, I am the sweet jekyll, but when it wears off, meet Mr. Hyde !!!!</p>
<p>So that means either your pants fall off you like eating cow meat and have been turned into a cow when your energy drink wears off. Now I know why cows just blunder around the fields mooing...they are depressed because they have lost their buzz and are no longer human but human feed.</p>
<p>Where did the cow come from now?</p>
<p>mmm, MDX, Redbull and Vault...</p>
<p>Bawls is the only energy drink I drink. It's basically a fruitier Sprite with a ****load of caffeine. My gripe is that you don't get much in the tiny bottle, and it costs over $2 in most places now.</p>
<p>I like red bull plus it gives you wings. lol :)</p>