Engineering Academies

Have him speak with a regional advisor perhaps. Calculus is a big deal. Going to college without it is automatically going to put him behind his peers almost anywhere he goes.

@MomHopesNxtGenAg I totally agree with you. I talked to my sister (his mom) and asked her to please talk to him about taking Calc AB. I also think he needs to talk AP Physics I. Thank you guys so much!

The Blinn spots at RELLIS (moved from Bryan when the nice RELLIS campus opened up this spring) are very tough to get and are assigned through A&M central admissions process. This thread was directed toward the Texas A&M Engineering Academies, which are separate and can be applied to directly. Google to find out more or check out the engineering admissions threads from the last cycle for info about the academies. If a student is not accepted to the main campus or the Blinn-RELLIS engineering program (both are very competitive), there is a process for admission from these academies as transfer to main campus after first year.

Your nephew needs to take as much AP math and science as possible, and other AP classes as well! There’s just no way to overemphasize the good effect of doing so, both for admissions and when he gets to campus. He will find that most applicants that get accepted will already have a number of AP classes under their belt.

Is anyone attending Welcome Day this Friday?

This is what my daughters ais says this morning:

Texas A&M University receives more applications from high achieving, academically prepared applicants than we can accommodate in the freshman class. The admission limits on the College Station campus have been reached and no additional offers of full admission will be made; however, in recognition of your academic and personal achievements, we would like to consider you for admission to one of the following Engineering Pathways:
•Option 1: Enroll in Engineering at Galveston
•Option 2: Enroll in Engineering at McAllen
•Option 3: Join the Texas A&M Engineering Academy at Blinn-Bryan (TEAB-Bryan), a dual enrollment program

Space within these programs is limited and may fill prior to the May 1 deadline; therefore, placement into a program will be on a first come, first served basis and once our target enrollment is reached the option(s) will no longer be available.

Please help advise me on Galveston or Blinn/Bryan


if you log into your AIS now, are you still given the same 3 choices you were given earlier this morning? Wondering because if it’s 'first come, first served" then your decision may be time sensitive.

@houstonheat They will not be full this soon. Really research and ask questions. You can make your decision fairly quickly, like within a day, but look at all options including what they want out of the first year experience.

@houstonheat my choices on Howdy are the same at this point and my ais is still showing the offer.

@DaughterEngineer That is great news! I was worried for a second. Not trying to rush you. I was just worried about you. :slight_smile:

Glad this thread is here! OOS student (CA)
My daughter will be making her decision as to whether to attend A&M after she spends the night with the Corps on Feb8.
She is waiting on two Cal Polys still (SLO and Pomona), but has been accepted at U of Utah Engineering, Embry Riddle Prescott, and SDSU.
(Mechanical Engineering)
She was this AM offered full admission to TAMU CStat (and switch major) or one of the three Engineering Pathways.
She will likely choose Blinn Team especially if she joins the Corps. Galveston and the other location isnt really an option because she prefers to be on-campus at CStat.
****Question is: would waiting until mid-Feb to accept the Blinn Engineering Academy be TOO late, in your opinion?
Thank you, such great advice on these threads!!

Very confusing process. Information on the Blinn website says no housing available for Blinn-Bryan engineering academy but then the Texas A & M site says on-campus housing is available for the academy students. Does anyone know the real answer? If you are going Blinn-Bryan route, is there on-campus housing available?

There is an interesting question I saw posted TexAgs regarding academies or Galveston and about Academies requiring two years in the program or they are considered Transfer students.

I am not up to speed on how the blinn engineering academy works exactly but the question does bring up a good point of why should an academy offer be easier to get into a major than the full offer students by taking the hard classes at a community college.

@thelma2 is this a new rule? The 2 years at Academy? My friends son got his major after 1 year at the Blinn Academy. I know this is a new thing so it may be very fluid in what is required year to year.

@tamuhopeful2023 My understanding in Team and Academy students can live on campus at tamu.

A couple of things to clear up as it can get confusing really quick.The Blinn Engineering Academy in Bryan is the same as Blinn Team for all other majors. You can live on campus at TAMU or off campus. Blinn Bryan campus does not offer housing. It is a 2 year program but can transition sooner. TAMU also offers direct enrollment in multiple Engineering Academies though junior colleges throughout the state. My son is at the Blinn Engineering Academy in Brenham. It is a 2 year program but you can transition to CS after 1 year (but you will have to complete the calc sequence for your selected major which for most majors is Calc 3). At the Academies you are co-enrolled. TAMU teaches the engineering class and the junior college teaches the calc, chemistry, physics and electives. You need a 2.0 GPA in the engineering courses and at least a 2.5 GPA in the junior college courses with no grade lower than a C to transition to TAMU CS. It is very hard to transfer from an outside university to TAMU Engineering (even from TAMU system schools). The Academies are TAMUs preferred method of getting more students and compete for major slots on the same level as the full admits. As an Academy student, the class sizes are listed to about 25, he got to go to Fish Camp and has a sports pass. They already have made several trips to Zachary and participated in the career day at Reed last week. He even got the TAMU acceptance banner. I actually think it is a better option than going to Galveston or McAllen even though those offers are full admit. You are closer to CS and accepted to the Engineering program from day one. Its also much cheaper! The dorm at Brenham is brand new with private BRs and you are housed with other engineering students with the same goal to get to CS ASAP. Not much to do in Brenham but it is motivating my son to make the best of his opportunity to get to the promised land. So if you are not offered full admit or Blinn Team in Bryan, I would definitely look at this option if you are dead set on being an Aggie. Its much better than the PSA route.

Also, the Engineering Academy classes taught by the junior college is TAMU engineering curriculum. TAMU is not going to let unprepared student get to CS. My son’s calculus and Chemistry class the first semester where the two hardest classes he took in his life. They pushed him hard. If an academy is pushing through students to CS, they won’t be a part of the program for long.

THANK YOU @trinley
Glad you son is doing well.

I am sending this thread to the top for those that are not aware of its existence. If you still have questions after reading through the posts and the Academy website, post them here and i and others will do our best to answer them.

Read several posts about engineering academies. So I am boosting this original thread TTT so folks can find it easier. Happy to help those that read though it before asking questions.

So, if my son attends TAMUG in the engineering program and does well and takes math 151 he is guaranteed his first choice major and transition to cstat after his first year, correct? He is enrolled in TAMU cstat while at TAMUG because cstat chooses the engineer students for TAMUG.

Would I want my son to be in the Blinn Engineering Academy instead? We were set on Galveston then switching 2020 and now I am so confused!