Engineering Acceptance

<p>Anyone accepted to engineering plz post stats</p>


<p>1440 SAT, 4.0UW/4.8W, 1/~440, decent ec's, a couple leadership/elected positions.</p>

<p>but a better quesetion, who is actually going to purdue for engineering??? i don't know a single person going to or at purdue, so it'd be nice to meet some people.</p>

<p>1500 SAT
SAT II- 800 Writing, 650 Chem, 670 Math IIC
Class Rank: 3/122</p>

<p>Biomedical Engineering</p>

<p>Did any of you get asked to be in the honors program? Is that supposed to be good?</p>

<p>also invited into honors program. not sure if it's any good, but i guess it'll be a good way to meet other strong students. what specialty area are you considering for biomed? i really want to do orthopaedic bioengineering. i've had a lot of joint problems, so it's something that will really affect me. but i'm also considering aero, chem, civil, materials, mechanical, and nuclear engineering, and my top choice changes every other week; it's very frustrating not knowing what i'm doing.</p>

<p>SAT I - 1370
GPA - 3.5 uw w/ 5 APs
no class rank, good ECs with community service and science related activities such as robotics club etc.
First year Engineering - still not sure of major but leaning towards electrical or chemical
I am pretty sure that I will go to Purdue although I have been admitted to Illinois too but the out-of state tuition is quite hefty. Also I am waiting to hear from University of Texas, Austin and Georgia Tech both of which have excellent engineering program at low out of state tuition. If I get admitted to those, it will be a hard decision but I think the final choice will come down to University of Texas and Purdue....I will have to think about it...hmmm.....</p>

<p>how were your math and physics grades boomer01?</p>

<p>accepted engineering
out-of-state male
4.3 weighted
so so EC's</p>

<p>Son was admitted to the school of engineering. 3.765 UW GPA, 1540 composite SAT. ECs: Eagle Scout, V soccer, NHS Treas, and so on.</p>

<p>He plans on majoring in IE. Purdue is bigger than he wants so he'll probably go to Bradley unless they come up with some money.</p>

<p>engineering, leaning mechanical, 1290 (710 M), 3.43 gpa, 2 APs, i donno Eagle Scout, bunch of EC's and from CT if that matters.</p>

<p>That has to be one of the most poorly thought out responses I've read here on CC. It surely proves WASPS don't have a monopoly on ignorance.</p>

<p>ummm actually I spoke to someone that goes there...he kind of fits those qualities..and he said he was the majority...</p>

<p>If you read my post, I said that "I'm going to visit"</p>

<p>You see, I'm not sure what this guy is telling me is accurate</p>

<p>It just kind of scares me that in Indiana...shooting plates with a shotgun is a sport lol</p>

<p>I grew up in a rural area of Indiana. I've been dating a Purdue student for two years, and go on campus at last every other week. I don't think that I've ever come across anyone like that. Actually, judging by the way you talked about Hoosiers, I'm guessing that you're more likely to be racist than any Indianan.</p>

<p>Grew up in a city in Indiana. The city has many interacial and mixed religion relationships/mixed schools and friendly community. Kids have toured Purdue and attended camps there. Always impressed with how nice everyone was.</p>

<p>Back on topic, son is accepted to honors engineering: 31 ACT, 4.23 weighted, top 10% of class. This school has an excellent reputation for its engineering but we have to wait and see if any aid comes along. He did recieve a scholarship to cover part of the tuition.</p>

<p>I received all of the information from eekare90 (instant message him). If you read carefully...I'm going to visit</p>

<p>...according to him 70% of purdue is racist/closeminded..there are secret cults against EVERYTHING...hate crimes are committed against pro-abortionists (but they are covered up)...and oh yeah he thinks blacks can't swim because of their dense bones</p>

<p>Speak to him for info..please don't take offense! </p>

<p>I will visit and see for myself</p>

<p>I got into Purdue's Engineering in November. Out of state minority female.
1490 SAT, 3.83 unw GPA with about 9 AP courses, 33 ACT. Class rank 1 (of 1, but they dont care, i still got the valedictorian scholarship)
SAT2s: 710 writing, 800 math 2c, 760 chem.</p>

<p>Could someone tell me why i didn't get any scholarships from the engineering department at all? I also didn't get any information on the honors program from the department, but i did get invited to the University Honors program. can anyone tell me something about the University honors program, especially verses the Engineering Honors program? </p>

<p>by the way, funkmaster, you aren't helping the opinions of many people who live in the midwest (and many other red states) who feel that many people from the NY and NJ look down on them. most people in Indiana are very nice and don't have a problem with ethnic or religious minorities, but they resent being looked down upon and being stereotyped as much as anyone else.</p>

<p>Applepuppy: I'm not sure, but I think the difference between the honors program and the engineering honors program is this: The honors program itself would be higher level classes or different classes in all areas perhaps? The honors engineering program allows you to take higher level engineering classes and if you choose, live in a community and have some classes with other honors engineering students. I do know the two "honors" things are seperate. I don't have it bookmarked, but there is an honors engineering page at their site.</p>

<p>You have wonderful scores, I don't know why you were not selected for honors E but perhaps you can self-select? I would certainly email the engineering department to find out. My son's letter that stated he was in the H.E. came about a month after he was accepted.</p>

<p>My guess about the scholarship for the val vs engineering stuff? That I can't help with either...but I do know that the emails I have had to send to them have all been answered in a pleasant way.</p>

<p>My son has one scholarship but so far no others from Purdue. Unless they give him more $$, we might not be able to consider them.</p>

<p>Best wishes!</p>

<p>actually, i don't think there's a university-wide honors program. When i asked the guy at the admissions presentation before the campus tour, he said that each college or school has their own program and requirements vary. you'll probably get into honors engineering, your stats are kinda similar to mine and i got in. then about engineering merit scholarships, they make those decisions around march 1. And while in the engineering honors program, you're able to pick from honors courses in math, science,english, speech, computer science, plus engineering, so it's not restricted to engineering courses.</p>

<p>oh, and here's the link to honors programs at purdue:
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>and this site has info for admitted students concerning honors program and scholarships:
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>THanks CK for clarifying :)</p>

<p>The learning community site is up if anyone wants to apply. My son was admitted to Honors Engineering and he just applied online for an engineering learning community. I think they all live in Earhart Hall. He also applied to Notre Dame but won't know anything about it until April.</p>