Engineering Admittance

Can you get into the university but not the college of engineering? Are you admitted to the university and then the specific college or is it straight admit or deny?

You can get into the university but not engineering. I believe you can only be admitted to Engineering or letters and science as a freshman, but I could be mistaken.

All students are admitted to the university as a whole, regardless of intended major. Currently a few students also receive direct admission to business or engineering. Most need to apply to business or engineering after being a UW student. Read the departmental requirements for specifics for any major you are interested in. Most freshmen (and most other UW students) are in L&S. Do not confuse L&S with CALS (college of agriculture and life sciences). This is the college most classes taken by freshmen are in as well. A few majors are competitive (demand greater than numbers of students that can be accommodated in classes). Again, read the info on the UW site. My feeling is that those who should be admitted to a major will be, those who do not meet the requirements shouldn’t major in a field (the exception being some with higher demand than space)- usually it is a minimum gpa in certain courses. btw- some subsets of the whole U are “schools”, others are “colleges”- don’t know the logic behind how that came to be.