Engineering Chances Out of State

<p>My son is looking at engineering programs and have heard good things about Virginia Tech. Presently he is interested in Mechanical Engineering and will have taken 3 years of drafting with advanced CAD. He will be applying and we were wondering if he has a shot to get in. Is it more difficult getting in out of state? his stats seem to put him on the fence of acceptance: 3.96 weighted GPA, 1950 SAT (720 math) 8 honors classes and 3 AP including calculus & Physics. A lot of soccer and 2 years wind symphony. He will have been working after school for 2 years as well by the time he graduates. We are from New Jersey and do not know if demographics come into play at all in the decision making process. Also, if accepted is there any chance of getting any $? Any and all replies are appreciated.</p>

<p>We are OOS and my son is starting at VT this fall… if I remember correctly at orientation they told us this years class in the COE is about 48% from out of state… so it seems that no, it’s not really harder coming from OOS. My son had a 4.6 weighted GPA, 35 ACT (35 on math), 2040 SAT (760 math) lots of AP’s, BC Calc, Physics, etc. LOTS of EC’s, 4 year varsity sport, leadership positions, etc. Don’t know much how much all that weighs into their decision. He was accepted into the Honors College and Honors dorm, so I think think some of those extras helped him more there than with actual admittance to the university. They DID say at orientation that overall this class coming in has the highest stats of any they’ve had to date… hope this helps!</p>

<p>Thanks and best of luck to your son. It sound like he should do fine. Although his stats were a bit better than my son, I see that he did get in the Honors College so maybe my son will have a chance for admittance. It sure seems that with the state of the economy the good schools that qualify as a “value” schools are getting harder and harder to get in, as is shown by the high stats of the incoming class.</p>

<p>He definitely has a shot. He’s not a lock but he has a realistic chance. Money-wise he needs to hunt around for local scholarships, most of what will come from VT for a freshman is going to be need-based.</p>

<p>My son is OOS and will be starting engineering this fall. His stats were similar to your son’s, as best I can remember I think his SAT was a bit higher but his grades were a bit lower. Similar outside activities but he also had a lot of science fair awards.</p>

<p>Two kids at VT engineering. OOS. My son will start this fall. Your son’s stats are better than my son’s are. I would say he has a good chance to get in but I wouldn’t plan on much in the way of aid.</p>

<p>Hi ,
I am an international student. I wanna ask a few questions .

  1. do admission officers consider ECs too much or they dont give it much weightage ?
  2. how do u guys calculate the gpa ? Like 3.95 ,4.1 etc … our school doesnt provide the gpa but percentage , so how do i calculate mine ?
  3. will 2 subject tests ( maths ll , physics) make my app strong ?
    Thanks in advance !
    Do rply !</p>

<p>BHhazy- you might want to start another string to get more replies, I copied the following off of College It is a useful chart to convert your grades to “unweighted”</p>

<p>"If your high school uses a different or weighted system, you need to convert your GPA to a 4.0 scale for this tool. Talk to your school counselor or get a rough conversion by substituting these values:</p>

<p>A+ (97-100) = 4.0
A (93-96) = 4.0
A- (90-92) = 3.7</p>

<p>B+ (87-89) = 3.3
B (83-86) = 3.0
B- (80-82) = 2.7</p>

<p>C+ (77-79) = 2.3
C (73-76) = 2.0
C- (70-72) = 1.7</p>

<p>D+ (67-69) = 1.3
D (65-66) = 1.0
E/F (below 65) = 0.0"</p>

<p>Source: [College</a> Admissions - SAT - University & College Search Tool](<a href=“”></p>

<p>Thanks for the reply soccerdad … my college do actually provide grades with percentage , but the grades are awarded according to percentage like :-
Total marks : 80%+ ; grade : A
Total marks : 85%+ ; grade : A+
Total marks : 7o%+ ; grade : B
So should i mention these grades ?</p>

<p>I think it might come down to admissions interpreting the grades. I do not have insight into International Students and how those grades are calculated. I would suggest that you post a new thread in the general area and I am sure you would get much more information. Good Luck</p>

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