Engineering Chances!

i dont understand why i am still under review for engineering…
— i am top quarter… i have taken 13 IB classes in a super rigorous high school, in state
— 29 ACT, 30 english, 34 math, 31 stem
— good essays( i changed states so i talked about that and my influence my dad had on me… hes an engineer from Albania)
— 500 job shadowing hours( my uncle is a senior engineer at Aetna), co president of rocket club, stu co-president freshmen year, engineering club, comp sci club, NHS, N french HS, over 300 volunteer and service hours( homeless shelters, peer tutoring, municipal teen court volunteer
– i noted that i have visted a&m through apply texas
i really wanna go to college station for engineering and im getting super worried i applied late october( not early) still havent heard back yet

please provide any insight, thanks!

Your stats look great all the way around. the 29 isn’t wonderful but your math and stem are good (especially math). I don’t think you’ll have an issue getting full admit. I hope I’m right. I would say ya should have applied July 1st though. Early bird gets the worm and all that.

@AggieMomhelp Thank you so much i appreciate it!!