engineering curiculum

<p>is it that purdue engineering is harder than the other universities? i have quite a few friends in other univs who say engineering isnt as difficult as it sounds. is the curiculum hard or its just a misconception?</p>


<p>Provided you bust your @$$ off and put your 100% effort into school, you shouldn’t have any difficulty obtaining the grades that you deserve. While the course work and course load can at times prove to be difficult, the real difficulty lies in having the motivation to WANT to learn the material. This is where many students stop feeling like trying and having a downhill slope towards their educational process at Purdue.</p>

<p>I have not seen other universities, but the reason Purdue Engineering is “tough” is because the Engineering school practically admits just about anybody in the beginning. So, truthfully speaking, there will be plenty of students who are too lazy to finish the engineering degree and plenty of students who just don’t have enough skills to stay in the engineering school. When just about anybody can enter a university with a brand-name and high credibility, the program in itself is branded to give students a harder time than that at a very selective university with a (generically speaking) smarter population.</p>

<p>Sent me a PM if you have more specific questions.</p>

<p>From what I’d say, Engineering courses only get tough at the 300 level. So up until junior year (assuming you don’t join college with extra credits), none of the courses are difficult by any means in my opinion. Junior year is where you will start seeing classes that move at a very quick pace because the curriculum requires so.</p>

<p>If you’ve seen plenty of Advanced Placement courses in the sciences/math, your first year could possibly even be a joke. The introductory courses in the 2nd year tend to have a large amount of resources to help students do well in the course. MAKE SURE that you do not mess up during your first two years, as those two years are the easiest times to pull off a high GPA.</p>

<p>Only after the 3rd year, should you even have to question the level of difficult in your curriculum, because in the 3rd year, when students fail the courses, they will have to repeat the course as it would be unwise to switch to any major. So junior year is the real test of how hard you can work. If you’ve done well during your first two years, a C in a tough class will not do too much damage for you.</p>