Engineering department scholarship?

<p>So I briefly looked at this in another thread but had 2 quick questions about it. I know I meet the requirments( I have a 1340 sat and 4.8 gpa).</p>

<p>Basically, I was wondering

  1. I initially applied for math major, is it too late to switch to engineering and still get this scholarship?
  2. To get the scholarship do I have to choose a specific engineering major or can I choose general engineering-undecided?</p>


<p>I don’t think it’s too late as long as you submitted the scholarship app before Dec 1st.</p>

<p>Go to mybama, academics tab, and change.</p>

<p>It’s ok to be engineering-undecided. That’s still engineering.</p>

<p>If you’re OOS, now you get full tuition plus 2500 per year.</p>

<p>Thanks! Just switched to engineering undecided, ill probably make a decision sometime soon anyway</p>

<p>Don’t worry about making a decision about which discipline of eng’g.</p>

<p>The FEP (frosh eng’g program) exposes you to all of the eng’g disciplines. Many kids change their emphasis after that - once they see that another area more interests them.</p>


<p>Change your major because you want to change your major, not because you want more money.</p>

<p>Financial aid abounds. Do what you’re passionate about and you will find a way.</p>

<p>Why do you think that this person just wants more money?</p>

<p>Also…as for “financial aid abounds”…lol…no…and certainly not for an OOS student, no matter how “passionate” you are.</p>

<p>I do believe lots of people want to change their major because they want to. But I see sooo many people come in as engineering majors for the scholarship who end up hating it. So I may have lashed out a little there. It just makes me so sad!</p>

<p>Getting money for college isn’t easy, but I do think there’s a lot more available than people realize.</p>

<p>I guess I just wish money weren’t an object for anyone so that they could all do what they wanted to do. If only that were how the world works.</p>

<p>I can understand your concern, and it certainly would be an issue for someone who isn’t STEM oriented and is just looking for a bigger scholarship. That kind of person will quickly flounder and be overwhelmed.</p>

<p>Yes, getting money for college isn’t easy…there are many obstacles…</p>

<p>1) Families whose EFCs are too high, but they can’t afford what’s expected.</p>

<p>2) Publics rarely can give much/any need-based aid…especially to OOS students and students whose EFCs exceed Pell.</p>

<p>3) There are relatively few schools that “meet need” even if you have determined need. Often top stats are needed to even have a chance for admittance into those schools. Often kids with very-good-but-not-top-stats are in a “gray area” because they can’t get accepted to those schools that meet need and their families can’t pay for the gaps at the other schools. </p>

<p>4) For some students, attending a school where large merit is awarded is their best hope for a college education. It may mean attending a school that’s not their first choice or even doing a major that’s not a first choice. </p>

<p>My son is also in engineering and he hasn’t noticed what you’ve said…that “many” choose eng’g for the scholarship and end up hating it. Instead, what he’s noticed is that many of those who choose eng’g and don’t have the stats to be in that major (so they really aren’t big scholarship kids), struggle, flounder, and end up changing their majors. </p>

<p>Choosing eng’g is very similar to choosing pre-med…many kids choose it because they know that becoming an eng’g or a doctor can mean a successful, well-paid career. However, too many choose those paths and then quickly find out that they don’t have the math and science strengths do well in those early weeder classes. Many of these kids don’t even really ever get into “real engineering” classes because they get weeded out with the Calculus, Physics, and Chem classes.</p>

<p>Im not changing it strictly because of the money, its just an added bonus. For the past 2 years I have been debating whether or not to go into math or engineering and never could make up my mind. I think Im actually going to double major in Math and what ever engineering I end up choosing.</p>

<p>As for aptitude and ability, Ive always been strong in math and science, all classes resulting in A’s, mostly 98’s and higher so im not worried about going into it and being harder than expected. It was just a matter of one over the other</p>