Engineering Departmental Scholarship

<p>I was lately thinking about departmental scholarships at A&M and I was wondering what does one have to do to increase the chances of receiving one. If anyone has received these scholarship or know somebody who has received it then please tell us his/her stats i.e GPA, extracurricular activities, honors, leadership positions, participation in some student organisation etc. Since I am from computer engineering any information on computer department's scholarship would be of great use to me. </p>

<p>Thanks a lot in advance.</p>

<p>My son qualified for the Engineering Honors Program and received a departmental scholarship.</p>

<p>Great! What was his CR and Maths section scores in SAT?</p>

<p>@perazziamn When was your son notified of EHP acceptance, if he has been?</p>

<p>I received an electrical engineering scholarship for 2k. I don’t remember individual CR and M scores but my composite was 1310. I’m a National Hispanic Scholar and in top 10%</p>

<p>I believe if you qualify for Engineering Honors, and you apply by the deadline, then you’re in.</p>

<p>“Incoming freshmen in engineering majors who have 1350 (Critical Reading/Math total) or above on SAT (31 or above on ACT) AND be ranked in the top 10% of their class or be National Merit/National Hispanic/National Achievement finalists. (Students from high schools which don’t provide rankings should discuss with Dr. Ken Meissner)”</p>

<p>[Engineering</a> Honors | Certificate Programs | Academics | College of Engineering](<a href=“]Engineering”></p>

<p>I don’t remember about the deadline. D deleted the email. :-/</p>

<p>Engineering Honors scholarships for incoming freshman have been assigned already, if there were any. This is what my D was told when inquiring.</p>

<p>She received a scholarship from Mechanical Engineering, not associated with Engineering Honors.</p>

<p>When do you receive notification? I applied for engineering honors in mid April when I received an email from the engineering department telling me I should. I didn’t receive any departmental scholarships. I wonder what you have to do to qualify…</p>

<p>Notification of acceptance will be given by 15th May as written on the above link by cormette.</p>

<p>Not sure, but I believe engineering scholarships have already been awarded for incoming freshmen. My daughter had not yet applied for honors when she got hers, so the two are not necessarily connected. When she inquired about honors scholarships, they told her there were no more for engineering freshmen.</p>

<p>Confused, I do not recall the exact score but he was in the 700s in all sections of the SAT.</p>

<p>So if you don’t receive a notification of acceptance you are not accepted? They don’t send you a letter saying you are rejected?</p>

<p>I am in the same position as FullMetalX, I have received no notification of engineering honors but know i qualify and applied on time. But about the departmental scholarships, i applied for the petroleum engineering nelson scholarship and was rejected but with my rejection they told me I would hear get departmental scholarships at my nsc.
Here is the actual text
“Thanks so much for your application for our Petroleum Engineering Nelson Scholarships. As you know these scholarships are competitive, merit-based scholarships, and we have a limited number available. You have not been selected for a Nelson Scholarship, but will be receiving one of our department renewable scholarships. You will be notified of your scholarship amount at your New Student Conference. These scholarships range in value from $500 to $1,500 per semester. They are renewable each semester provided that you maintain a GPA of 3.0 and be enrolled for at least 13 hours that count toward a petroleum engineering degree.”</p>

<p>Just received notification of acceptance today for engineering honors!
Check your emails everyone!</p>

<p>Congrats FullMetalx! What was your SAT CR and Math score?</p>

<p>Received also!</p>

<p>Yes, D got her honors email too.</p>

My CR+M was a 1380. Top 6%. Not a NMF though.</p>