Engineering-focused Medical School Set to Open in 2018--Carle- Illinois College of Medicine

Carle Illinois College of Medicine – a public-private medical school is set to open August 2018. This is joint venture between the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign College of Engineering and Carle Foundation Hospital/Carle Physician Group.

Carle is a large group not-for-profit healthcare provider located in central Illinois.

Carle will be the first SOM that will focus on combining biomedical engineering with medicine. All students will be required to complete a “technical project” (in engineering) as part of their degree-requirements. The school will offer a MD/PhD in biomedical engineering as well as a MD/MS in biomedical engineering.

The curriculum will be unique

The school will be small. The initial class will be 32 students, with about 1/4 to 1/2 of those being MD/PhD candidates. The school will add 8-12 students per year until it reaches full enrollment of 64 students.

Carle expects to receive its preliminary accreditation early this summer.


Interesting. Dd is completing junior year as a premed/bioengineering student.

So, the MD/PhD students won’t be MSTP? Too early for that, right? Or do I misunderstand.

A clarification on your post: our initial degree offering will be an M.D.

I really hope more med schools offer such programs.