<p>I am sort of deciding between majors. While we have engineering majors, in terms of requirements, it might be too late for me to declare engineering, since we should have been rigid in starting engineering requirements freshman year because of fall-spring time frames)(I was sort off finishing off general college requirements early on. That said, I would now have to consider an BA instead of a BS but I would really like to do engineering in grad school. What would be suitable BA majors (e.g. comp sci, physics, chemistry, math) for different types of engineering fields later, e.g. electrical, computer, mechanical, chemical? </p>
<p>Applying to grad school in engineering is probably a little different of course than from applying professional schools like law, medicine, business--can anyone list how so, from what they know? e.g. gpa, ecs, work outside school, gre, profs, etc. </p>
<p>Finally, what do engineering grad schools want to see that might not have been intuitive for a newbie? </p>
<p>Thanks in advance!</p>