Engineering Internship Ideas

In the past, some parents and students have been looking for ideas for summer internships/co-ops. The U. of Alabama in Huntsville has a career day in September. I am posting the list of registered employers in the engineering field so you can see what is available. The UAH far is only open to its students, but several of these firms probably will make visits to Tuscaloosa.

Thank you!

There is also an upcoming job fair on UA’s campus. I believe it is September 24 from 11-4. Students have to be dressed professionally or they will not be admitted (yes, students have been turned away in the past if not dressed appropriately). This link has a list of the companies that will be there ( - mentions if they are looking for interns or only full time employees and the majors they are interested in speaking with. Students can review this and make a list of the companies they want to talk to prior to going, so they don’t waste time waiting to talk to companies that are not looking for their skill set. All students can (and in my opinion SHOULD) attend the job fair, even freshmen. It can help them look for internship possibilities, but also just helps with getting them comfortable speaking with potential employers and with networking for future opportunities.

Besides attending the fair (if possible with their schedules), students should also search and apply for internships online. All companies recruit this way, even those that don’t “recruit at” Alabama. DS landed two internships on his own this way, and had interviews with several others. Engineerjobs dot com is a good source for listings, along with any other job search engine. Also pick companies, both famous and local, and check their websites.

I’m a chem-e involved with the AIChE and my membership allows me to search through it’s database of job/internship postings for chem-e internships across the country. I have looked at alot of internship and job search sites but none have come close to the thoroughness of AIChE’s database of job postings, so I would sugggest looking at the proffessional engineering society of your major and looking at the job posting section then narrowing the search results to summer internship. Out of a couple thousand, I looked at about a hundred, picked thirty I liked, and now I’m applying to them in the order that I like them.

^ YES! “Mine your heritage,” as the saying goes: start with your engineering societies (every branch has at least 1) - great suggestion iamfuniswear!